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MiSe competiton entry Posted by: Whitetip at 12-05-2013 13:29 PM, Last Modified 12-05-2013 13:52 PM
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I should be doing revision for a test but this is just too tempting to not do. Reading that paragraph made me think of some nice dark ideas that I think shouldn’t be delayed on being put on paper. And as the test I need to study for is after the closing date of the comp I better get on it now. I feel without the time constraints I could have done a better job in places but I’m quite happy with how it came out. Especially as I’ve never written a story of this nature before.
Story contains non consensual sex, bad language, violence, death and is altogether not recommended for those who are of the more sensitive disposition.

It was the witching hour, nothing so crude as midnight of course. Anyone can be a witch at midnight under a full moon. It was past 3 am and he had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of “Who am I?” “Where am I?” “Am I wearing clothes?” filled his head and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

“I want to tell you a secret.”
Something about the delivery of those words coupled with the situation brought on a definite feeling of unease as well as sinister overtones. Sammy went to move his right arm to wipe the sleep from his eyes and found it immobile. Panic quickly broke through the sleep addled state he felt and he tried to move and see what was going on only to find all four limbs were immobile. By the feelings at his wrist and ankles this was due to firm ties around his limbs. Also by the feel of the air on his fur he was naked.
“What the hell is going on?” he called to the still invisible speaker. “What the fucking hell is going on?” he reiterated hoping for a reply that might lower the fear he was feeling right now. Still no reply was forthcoming so with seemingly no better idea Sammy struggled against the bindings holding him in place, testing them for signs of weakness. Unfortunately they seemed solidly done and he quickly gave up hope that struggling like this would give him any benefit. He resigned himself to calling out again while he scanned the room as much as he could with the limited movement his bound state allowed. Suddenly the voice spoke again
“Don’t you want to know the secret my little buck” said the anonymous voice.
“Yes tell me the fucking secret, and tell me who the hell you are while you’re at it too. This is not funny”
Suddenly a large shape moved into his field of vision but the general dinginess of the room meant it took a few seconds for recognition to dawn in Sammy’s mind.
“You’re that fucking tiger from the bar last night, what the hell have you done to me? I told you I wasn’t interested”
“Ah so you do recognise me, but you may be surprised to know it’s only a few hours since you were in that bar. You see I didn’t appreciate the way you rejected me last night. You seemed to be under the impression that prey had a say in the predators wishes”. The tiger laughed softly to himself at this last sentence and now leant in close to Sammy’s face. “So I’ll ask you again, do you want to hear the secret I have to tell you?”
“Yes just tell me, then fucking let me go and I may not press charges against you”. At this response the tiger laughed to himself again and bent down close to the buck’s ear.
“The secret is you’re never going to leave this bed alive you little shit”. He straightened up after he said this so he could enjoy the look on the buck’s face as he digested this piece of information. The look of defiance that had been starting to form disappeared quickly to be replaced by a look of panic and despair. He started to plead with the tiger.
“No please don’t do anything to me. I’m sorry I was a bit of a cunt last night; I’d had a lot to drink and had been having a rough time anyway. I’ll make it up to you though”.
“That’s what I like to hear, my helpless prey begging for their worthless lives” said the tiger before slapping the buck hard across the face with claws drawn, raking deep gouges into his muzzle and causing the buck to cry out in pain. “I knew when you showed me defiance earlier I would have you whimpering soon enough. If you had just accepted my invitation then I wouldn’t have needed to drug your drink. And most likely you would have still been alive after dawn”
“Please don’t do this. I didn’t kno”. The tiger cut him off midsentence.
“You didn’t know that being rude might cause you to end up on the receiving end of something unpleasant? Well it’s a lesson for you isn’t it. Unfortunately it is a lesson that will do you no good now”. The tiger reached down next to the bed and brought out a heavy pair of bolt croppers, then looked down to smile at the fear that filled his prey’s eyes.
Sammy felt tears starting to well up. He didn’t want to die like this, tied to a stranger’s bed, fearing the torture that was going to be inflicted upon him. The bolt croppers looked menacing and the thought of what they were going to be used for was too much to bear. “Please don’t do this, I’ll do anything you want if you leave me alive” he said through the sobs.
The tiger didn’t speak but stroked the cutters across Sammy’s body making him try to writhe away from the feel of cold metal against his fur. The tiger slowly moved them up his body, then his neck, and finally caressed the top of his head with them.
“First things first you have some extraneous features to remove” said the tiger smiling. Sammy heard the cutters open then realised what the tiger meant, just as the handles were pulled sharply together making a loud crunch. Sammy screamed in pain as the cutters did their job and removed one of his antlers. This was followed quickly by another crunch and excruciating jolt of pain as the second one was severed too. Sammy screamed and fought against the bindings with a renewed vigour now. Desperate to escape this nightmare before it went any further.
“Shut it you little cunt” shouted the tiger and slapped Sammy hard across the face again, adding to the wounds from the previous strike. Who ever thought a big strong antelope such as you would be so scared of a little pain. Sammy didn’t reply but just kept screaming. It felt like the screaming was helping to reduce the pain of what happened.
“I said shut it you fucking wuss” shouted the tiger again, then leaned in close and added “or I’ll make this even worse for you than it’s already going to be”. He picked up the bloody horns he had removed and waved them in front of Sammy’s face. “If you don’t stop the screaming the next thing I wave in front of your face will be your balls, followed by your cock”. To reinforce this threat the tiger opened the cutters once again and placed Sammy’s testicles between the blades, then began slowly closing the handle together. At this Sammy forced himself to stop screaming and instead began to whimper loudly, tears streaming down his face from a mixture of pain and fear. “Good boy” said the tiger affectionately and patted Sammy on the head. Gently caressing the stubs remaining from where his horns had been removed.
Now the tiger straightened up and stepped away from the bed and began to disrobe. He did so quickly and didn’t even look at the antelope tied to his bed. Though the sound of the young bucks whimpers were making him feel good. That combined with the fun of cutting off those lovely little horns had given him a strong erection already. He reached into the drawers at the side of the bed and pulled out a large tube of lubricant before returning to the bed and climbing on, then positioning himself between the antelope’s legs.
“Now it’s time for the real fun my little friend”. Sammy watched as the tiger unscrewed the lid of the tube and squeezed a large dollop of the thick liquid onto his fingers. Then without waiting at all he brought his hand down and pushed 2 well lubricated fingers through Sammy’s tight sphincter into his anal passage. The sudden invasion made Sammy wince slightly but the discomfort was nothing compared to the pain still throbbing mercilessly from his head. After a few thrusts of his fingers the tiger withdrew them and squeezed out more lubricant onto his fingers. This time he gently stroked the outside of Sammy’s hole before roughly forcing 4 fingers into the tight orifice. The intrusion made Sammy cry out but one look from the tiger silenced him. He hadn’t forgotten the threat of the bolt croppers and whatever was going to happen to him he didn’t want to feel the metal blades of that savage device slicing slowly through his scrotum. The tiger roughly fucked him with four fingers for a few minutes before withdrawing his hand again and picking up the tube of lubricant. He leaned forward over Sammy and grinned expansively then made a big show of pouring liberal amounts of the gel all over his hand and fingers, while slowly moving them to make sure they were all thickly covered. The tiger leaned back and brought his hand to Sammy’s anus again and firmly thrust four fingers in once again, though this time he also began to manoeuvre his thumb to the entrance and push even more firmly, trying to force his entire hand in. Sammy writhed against the bonds again as he felt the hand begin to slide inside him though his movement was so limited that it gave him little beneficial effect. He cried out in futile hope that the tiger would stop. “Please stop this. I can’t stretch that much”
“Oh but you can and you will” replied the tiger before redoubling his efforts now, as his knuckles were almost inside Sammy’s tight arse. Sammy felt the intrusion stretch him more and more, causing a fresh pain to flood his body. Suddenly the tiger made a semi lurch forward and managed to sink his hand into the buck’s hot arsehole. For a minute he stayed still enjoying the feeling of the sphincter tightly gripping his wrist and clenching trying to expel the unwanted invasion, then he slowly pulled his hand out before forcing it straight back inside. Sammy couldn’t help but close his eyes and cry out from the pain and for now at least, while lost in the pleasure of brutally violating the antelope’s arse with his fist. The tiger didn’t seem to care right now and began to work into a rhythm, causing a loud squelching noise to be emitted every time he sank his hand into Sammy, followed by a wet sucking noise when he withdrew as air was drawn into the stretched opening. The pressure inside him was actually causing a slight stirring in Sammy’s cock though the overall pain and fear he felt was stopping him from becoming properly aroused. But even so his cock had started to protrude slightly from his sheath by a few inches.
After a few more insertions the tiger withdrew his hand and straightened up, looking into Sammy’s terrified eyes. He noticed the beginning of the bucks erection and roughly started masturbating him. The excessive force in this sensitive area quickly destroyed the growing erection though and Sammy’s cock sunk back into his sheath flaccid and soft once again. The tiger reached his hand towards Sammy’s face so he could see the lumps of shit as well as large amount of spots of blood covering the tiger’s hand. “Lick it bitch. I want to watch you taste your insides off my hand” said the tiger sadistically pushing the filthy hand against the helpless buck’s muzzle. “I said fucking lick it you bitch” he said this time bringing the request home by raking his claws across Sammy’s chest leaving bloody gauges in the soft fur there. Reluctantly Sammy opened his mouth and licked at the offending item in front of him. The smell was making him feel nauseous and the taste was just as bad. He felt close to throwing up but forced it down. He didn’t want to think what the tiger would do if he vomited all over him, but he suspected that the bolt croppers would seem like an easy ride in comparison. After a few licks the tiger seemed satisfied and got up and left the room. After a short while Sammy could hear running water and assumed the tiger was cleaning his hand off fully. Now left alone Sammy tried not to think about what was going on. How much longer was this going to last? The pain seemed to have decreased from the angry spikes it was at earlier but was now an almost constant wave of agony filling his whole body. He started to cry again, sobbing hard as he considered the possibilities the future had in store for him. Maybe the tiger would actually let him go? He entertained this situation but quickly realised it was very unlikely. He had been abducted, mutilated and raped. How would the tiger ever believe he would keep quiet and how would he explain away his appearance without it being demanded that he report the incident to the police. The noise of the tigers return disturbed his thoughts but his idea had already formed. He turned his head to the tiger as much as he could. “If you’re going to kill me please just do it quickly. I don’t want to go through anymore of this”. He tried to keep his voice from quavering and did his best to hold back the tears that wanted to flow. The tiger looked at him and there seemed to be a hint of surprise in his expression.
“It will not be much longer now my prey. You are nearly at the end of your journey so don’t worry”. Sammy nodded at this reply and closed his eyes. He felt the tiger climb back onto the bed and position himself between his legs though this time he leaned over the stricken buck. He placed one hand under Sammy’s back and gripped his shoulder while his other hand gripped one of his butt cheeks. Sammy could feel the claws digging into his skin but not hard enough to break the skin at the moment. The tiger shifted position slightly and Sammy felt something poking around his stretched arse hole. “Must be his cock” said Sammy inside his head. His private speculation was proved accurate as the tiger sunk his thick member into Sammy’s arse to the hilt. He heard the tiger growl slightly in pleasure but kept his eyes squeezed tight shut. He didn’t want to know how this was going to end. The tiger started to roughly thrust in and out and began tightening his grip on Sammy’s body. Sammy could feel the claws beginning to break the skin as well as the barbs of the tigers cock starting to engorge more and snag against his insides. The tiger fucked him in silence, the only sound being the panting of his breath and the squelching of his member as it slid in and out of Sammy’s abused arse. The thrusting began to increase more and as he thrust harder the tiger leaned closer to Sammy’s neck. Sammy could feel the hot breath panting on his neck now as the tiger fucked him hard, building to his climax. Suddenly Sammy felt a fresh lance of pain as the hand at his shoulder tightened its grip hard forcing the tiger’s claws through his skin. As he did so he pulled his hand firmly downwards ripping open the skin on Sammy’s back, while his other hand ripped into the soft flesh of his buttocks. The pains made Sammy lift up and throw his head back to try and lift his back above the claws causing him so much agony as he screamed out again. This was the signal the tiger had been waiting for and he threw his head forward, closing his jaws around Sammy’s throat. Teeth sunk through soft delicate flesh and then a crunch was the audible proof that laryngeal and tracheal cartilage had been crushed under the tiger’s jaws.
Sammy felt the jaws close on his neck and realised that this was it. He heard the sickening crunch of his windpipe being destroyed as the pain shot through his body making him convulse in fresh agony. His next inhalation was useless as the tigers bite had crushed his airway and the jaws were still closed blocking any air from getting in. He started to thrash around under the tiger, pulling at his bonds as he desperately tried to breathe again. But to no avail. The thrashing and spasming continued as Sammy fought for breath that would never come. Slowly his struggles began to weaken until a wall of pain and blackness enveloped him and he fell still.
The tiger felt the bucks body begin to shake as he kept his bite firmly in place. The buck’s struggles began to send the tiger over the edge. He felt a warm feeling over his stomach and groin and realised the bucks bladder had let go as he fought in his death throes, but ignored this and continued to hump deeply into the dying antelope. As he felt the buck begin to weaken he couldn’t hold back and thrust in deeply to the hilt one more time before unloading into his almost dead partner, his cock spurting jets of hot semen into the broken body. As he felt the Buck stop moving completely he placed his hand on his chest to feel for the heart beat. It was still there, but very weak now. He kept his hand there until he felt the weak beat peter out completely then released his jaws from the mangled throat and withdrew his softening cock from the now dead antelope. He looked over the body on his bed and smiled seeing the gaping wounds on his muzzle and the ragged open wound on his neck. He grinned as he noticed the pool of semen leaking out of the buck’s arse, coloured red by the blood from his colon ripped open by the barbs on the tigers cock. Eventually he untied the bindings and rolled the buck’s body over so he could run his finger tips over the bloody wounds on his back and arse cheeks. It had been a good night but it wasn’t over yet. He would have to dispose of the bed clothes and the unwanted parts of the antelope’s body before morning. The rest he would have to prepare for the freezer which needed to be done quickly to preserve the freshness of the meat. But he would have long enough to have a cup of coffee before he got to work. He took a packet of cigarettes from the bedside cabinet and lit one. Then he went downstairs to have a coffee and reflect on what had been a great night.
2 weeks later
It was past 3 am and the young equine had been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling and the usual questions of “Who am I?” “Where am I?” “Am I wearing clothes?” filled his head and were promptly banished. A finger pressed against his lips and words were whispered into his ear barely above the threshold of hearing, the voice one of a distant memory his sleep addled brain could not yet recollect.

“I want to tell you a secret.”


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Gucci Roochie: Great story

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