So i had an idea come to mind, Im sure a lot of you would like to be able to customize your own profiles and add more to the site that it allows, or even add your own pages and such.
With the current setup i can offer basic webhosting of small websites for members, use it as an expansion to your profile page and link your profile to it, or use it as your own website for your own furry uses. I would host them on the backup server, so they are still programmatically seperate from the main site, and give Secure FTP access to them, as well as a custom email address.
Because i have cloudflare Pro on the site, i can include CloudFlare protection to the hosted sites as well as SSL.
Available Domains would be like this: anything.furrtrax.com anything.furr.me anything.furrytoday.com anything.furry.rocks
and 1 mysql database would also be allowed if needed for such a site.