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Article: Attack on Furry Convention, MidWest FurrFest
Posted By: DarkXander
Date: 12-08-2014 01:02 AM
Views: 3277
Reports are coming in that there was an Attack on attendees of the Midwest FurrFest Convention yesterday. According to investigators, Chlorine Gas was released in a stairwell inside the Hotel/Convention Center intentionally by a currently unknown assailant. I personally consider this kind of willfull actions with direct intent to cause harm to others synonymous with an act of Terrorism again the Furry Community, And against those of which many i call friends, aquaintences, and family.

If anyone has any information about who might have committed this hostile crime, im sure the authorities are already looking to speak with you, but you may also pass the information to me if you would choose to remain anonymous, and i can pass it to the proper authorities! I have old connections to a few government agencies and i can make sure it is passed on correctly.

MSN.com Link to News Article

Victor: All these theories of ex Furries being pissed off and Dr furry wanting revenge is quite funny However Couldnt it just be a run of the mill maniac The guy who shot up the movie theater at the batman premier wasnt hell bent on revenge shunned by the theater or called names by batman himself He was just a man who wanted to go ape shit
TAY: So many of you seem to be prematurely astablishing the attack was an act of war against furrys. That remains at least presently an unknown factor.the timing could have been coincidental and the attack occoured for no other reason than that there was a group hosted by the hotel. And possibly more likely an assault against tbe hotel itself by an exemployee or other personw angry with tbe hotel or its management. Also possible the hotel was just an easy target. We can neither confirm nor rule out at this time that the motive was because tbey were furs. Its terribly shortsighted to assume so before its been estabilished. Js
TAY: In response to midwest furrfest. I myself,being in the LEprotection fieldim a corporate close protection agent, have firearm permits,state certified it purchase all types of armor,cleared to purchase silencers and automatic weapons,welltrained in tactical,advanced driving,rated weapons expert with every type of weapon ever placed in my hands..ect,advanced first aid, and current holder of valid state issued permit to carry concealed firearms. If im wearing pants and im outside my house then i am armed. 100. No other exceptions.outside,pantsarmed.and most likely armored. You had better believe wearing a fursuit does not effect my mission. Im prolly the only furr in a furrsuit thats packin heat, but far better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. The furrfest only proves this century is a dangerous place to be at times. Being a US Marine its not like me to leave things to chance or not take responsibility for my own safty . Im not accustomed to placing my life in anyones hands but my own since i dont make a very good victim. this whole thing has been on and off topic way too much so ill wrap it up. The point is. In a fursuit,and at a con or meet, imma wolf in tigers clothing, and this cat has claws...and then some.
Kris Husky: What happened at the con was bad I had friends over there who told that the hotel was evacuated Its not clear if it was a intended attack on the furry fandom or a prank done by a stupid person I dont make this a harmless prankattack since 18 people were in hospital I simply want to say that we shouldnt think of the worst and shouldnt say it was terrorist attack when it possibly wasnt They will catch the guy who did it And the judge will decide what it was Dont get into a mood that is based on theories
Featherheart: This really REALLY pissed me off..... like serious.... we ARE NOT different from any other people, just because we like something that other people see as sexual things or a fucking sin like that doesn't mean you have to try to kill us and plus furries will NEVER die sooooo it's not worth trying. That's what I have to say about this heh x3 3 loves y'all 3 3 3
inulobo: I hope you will find the person who did it good luck you have my support
Captain Livingston Kirk: Kyubimon thats exactly what I said a few comments ago somebody who got banned wanted revenge
Kyubimon : I hope the cops catch the asshole who did it any charge himher with terrorism
Kyubimon : I think it's some asshole thought it would be funny to disrupt an Anthrocon, I think it's that asshole Dr Furry who did it cause he got banned from Furrtrax, but that's just a thought
DarkXander: Simple fact is there are crazy people out there who dont have a problem causing harm, or even worse to those they dont like, This is why i carry a firearm at all times, for the safety of my family, friends, etc. Will i need it regularly, Nope, Am i willing to risk not having it when that .0001 chance occurs, Nope!
Captain Livingston Kirk: I have a theory I am wondering if the individual who did this was pro furry at one point and got turned away or shunned out of the community like a revenge of some sort of getting banned from a site such as FT I have seen a banned user that states he or she despises of furries it maybe possible that someone who was banned or turned away by the fandom is trying to get revenge by crashing a huge furmeet again its just a thought
Ku-Joe Kuna: This is bull shit I cant beleive sum1 would do sumthing like that Please keep us posted on the condition of our fellow furs
Luna: And I agree with DarkXander I would love to get my hands on the person who did this
Luna: I heard about that My cousin just laughed at the report while I shook my head in sadness I hope the police catch the person who did this My cousin doesnt understand furries Little does he know that he lives with one
DarkXander: It makes me wish i was there when shit like this happens, for the off chance i would see who did it, or see something in the act, i would take great pride and pleasure from taking down a scumbag like these kind, and ensuring they dont outrun justice in my own way.
snowbell: This tupe of thing sickens me And there was the poor girl who got beaten at fur fright on Halloween this year
Nato: An act of terrorism doesnt have to be done by terrorists like you are probably thinking strongpaws Any person or group of people can be a terrorist Secondly chlorine gas is no prank whatsoever Maybe it was intended as one but that is a lethal gas It was deemed inhuman to use after WWI
Alexandria the fallen: Hhey guys maybe he doest hate us um maybe it was just the perfect place to do it people wise
DarkXander: Your opinion has some merrit in my eyes however, a prank or stunt would be setting off fireworks inside the con, or smoke bombs, stink bombs, noise makers, or generally something outragous but that does no harm, and has no direct intent to cause harm to others! Chlorine Gas has NO Prank or stunt applications, it is Toxic, and can be fatal. No amount of poh poh ing can change those simple facts.
StrongPawz: As someone who was there at the convention at the time of the incident, a lot of people are blowing the whole situation way out of proportion. After talking with several con staff and hotel staff, the general consensus is that his was a prank that just went horribly wrong. Now, that is just what I've gathered, don't get me wrong, it was a very stupid stunt to try and pull, especially with then number of con attendees who are wheel chair bound or asthmatic. The persons responsible should be arrested. But I don't think I would call this a terrorist attack on furries. I'm sure that furries are pretty low on the list for any terrorist organisation. Lets call it what it is, a stupid stunt pulled by a very, very stupid individual or group of individuals.
Nato: This is the most disturbing act of terrorism against furries ive heard of yet I hope the authorities catch the assailant soon

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