
Post ID: 674
Posted: 11-20-2015 20:40 PM |
Posted: 11-20-2015 20:40 PM » Editted: 11-20-2015 20:48 PM |
So besides talking wisdoms to myself on my own wall, apparently I can also befriend myself.
And even more awesome is that I can confirm my friendship with myself by clicking the "add quiran to friends" and get a confirmation of that as well.
Now I don't think this bug (or feature?) has been tried before?
For those who want to get that feel of "foreveralone" or want to re trace my steps in getting this weird thing going:
Look at your own profile as guest and click add friend, you then will get a message that someone added you.
From there you can confirm your self-loving by clicking confirm friendship and get another lovely message saying that you totally adore yourself.
Not sure what the point is in me trying this out aside curiousity, but I found I can befriend myself and confirm my self friendship.
(I actually love the ability to do this)
I guess this falls under technical issues?
Anyways, hope this helps out ^.^
(edit: it apparently also gives you a pop up about you; your own friend's activity)