Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3425 Posted: 07-23-2024 15:01 PM |
Chapter 15Dinos and I get out of bed to leave Valesz sleep I notice that Lakia and Katherine are on the other side of Valesz sleeping peacefully.I turn and say in though to Dinos “I want to try something, they are sleeping peacefully I want to try and give them a happy dream”Dinos responds “Don't make it too happy.”I turn back to my mates and begin thinking of our matting ceremony. In an instant a smile sweeps across each of their faces.Dinos says in thought “That must be a very pleasant thought that you gave them.”I respond “It was the memory of our matting ceremony.” and we exit the bedroom I grab the sword and sling it over my shoulder.As we enter the main room Celer walks up to me and gives me a big squeezing bear hug and says “Congratulations.”I reply in thought “ Dinos told me that you were happy about it but I didn't thing that you would be that happy.”He responds “Why shouldn't I be my mate is pregnant and I have you to thank for it.”I respond “But wouldn't you want to be the father?”Celer responds “Yes, but that coupling was a very special one. It was done during an awareness test and a pregnancy conceived during those is extremely rare, not to mention the fact that you are human and obviously compatible with just about every species in populated space. So begins a new dawn for civilization and my mate is going to give birth to the very beginning of it.”Just then the door opens and it's Jalad standing in the doorway. I communicate to the unicorns to teleport out of the room.I say “Computer seal bedroom door level eight authorization Alpha, Gama, Omega, 1011, green.”As I draw my sword it begins to glow brighter that it had before its almost blinding white.Jalad says “You know that I must destroy you.” I reply “Yes, I know how you feel my friend , you feel that I am an abomination and that I am the beginning of the end of civilization as you know it.”Jalad responds “How the hell did you know what I was going to say”I respond “That don't matter now, what matters is if you persist then only one of us will leave this room alive.”Jalad responds “Then only one of us will leave because I can not let you live. I know that the doctor is about to discover who I am and you already know why I'm here. Let's begin.”Jalad draws his sword and swings it towards my mid section. But I deflect it with the dragon sword slicing through his blade. The tip of his blade falls to the floor. He swings again and again the dragon blade slices another piece of his blade off.I say “At this rate I will be fighting an unarmed man very soon.”He responds “How dare you call me a MAN!!!! , even you are not a man your a freak of nature.”I respond “You may see me as a freak. But I see myself as the next step in evolution. I will give you this last chance to stop and reconsider what you are doing.”Jalad responds by lunging his sword at me. I cut his sword at the hilt the blade falls to the floor with a loud ting. I reach out with my mind and replay the dream that I had with Jalad for him letting him feel the anguish and hate that I had built up in the dream. He falls to his knees screaming “STOP !!!! STOP IT !!!!!” I release his mind.Jalad says “Kill me now or I WILL kill you.” I resume my link with him this time I'm not giving him information I'm looking for it digging through his thoughts as easily as rummaging through a pile of paperwork scanning images of his life watching him go through the procedure to become something other than what he was there were several others too at least one from each race, Dragon, Equine,Deer, Fox, Catian, and many others, wait I see something, the Mantis already know that there are Unicorn , that is why they did this they are trying to search them out to finish destroying them. I again release his mind he falls to the floor and rolls onto his back holding his head.Jalad says “Kill me and be done with it.”I raise the dragon sword and run it through his chest. As the sword pierces Jalad and goes all the way into the floor, suddenly the gravity in the room goes to zero.I begin floating and say “Damn it I just ruined a perfectly good gravity generator.” I pull myself back to the floor with the sword and say “Computer release seal on bedroom door Alpha, Gama Omega, 1011 green”The computer responds “Door released.”The door opens Valesz grabs the doorway and launches herself towards me. I release the sword and reach to grab Valesz as she approaches me but I can't stop her she wraps her arms around me and we both go flying into the wall behind me embraced in a kiss of deep passion.We break the kiss and Valesz says “You did it, you changed your future and ours. When Celer told me what was happening I was so afraid that I was going to loose you my love.”I reply “You will never loose me my love, I will love you even after death.”Celer says “Can we get the gravity fixed in here, I never liked zero G training.”I respond “Computer open communications to the engine room”The computer responds “Com open” Zipper says “Can I help you?”I respond “Actually yes you can Zipper, bring a gravity generator to the captain's quarters and wear your gravity boots.”He responds “We are on our way.”I respond “Thank you; Computer end transmission”The computer responds “Transmission terminated”Celer makes his way to the door and opens it takes hold of the opening and pulls himself to the floor and steps out of the room.He reaches back in for Dinos and says “You better stand on the floor before you come out.”Dinos does as she is told she takes hold of Celer and pulls herself to the floor and walks out. Everyone else follows one by one. Before I head out I make my way back to my sword and Jalad's corps, I take hold of the sword and pull it out. Now what the hell am I suppose to do with this pointing to Jalad's floating body.Valesz says “Katherine have drake bring a torpedo case up here and we will put his body in that... on second thought go get Attor he may want to do some test or something.”Katherine responds “Aye captain.” Katherine disappears down the corridor.Valesz says “lets go to the bridge while Zipper, and Squeaky repair the gravity generator and the doctor tends to Jalad.”Valesz turns and walks to the bridge door and enters with everyone else following. As she enters the bridge she says “Report.” Drake is the first to respond “Weapons systems ready” Snowy “Engines running at 172%, ETA 18 hours 32 minutes.”I say “If we increase to 6.7xl we should get there about 6 hours sooner. It's about 20:00 now that would put us arriving at about 08:30 give or take a few minutes. I will explain the urgency in private.”Valesz says very well, “Snowy increase speed to 6.7xl.”Snowy responds “Aye captain, 6.6 6.7xl, computer estimates new ETA 12 hours 17 minutes.”I say “Well I was close.”Lakia says “Not bad, for not using a computer.”Valesz says “ I have an announcement to make.” everyone's attention is now on Valesz. Valesz says “ Jalad is no longer with us. Paul killed him in battle. It seems that Jalad was a Mantis spy.”Drake ask “What happened how did you find out, and how did you kill him?”Snowy says “Wait isn't that the dragon sword strapped to your back? But your Human why do you carry the dragon sword?”I respond , okay okay give me a minute to explain. First off I am not 100% human , I have dragon DNA as well as unicorn DNA that will take to much time to explain but Valesz brought me the sword because of a dream I had. A premonition if you will.Valesz interrupts “Paul just pull the sword out of its sheath, and that will explain it.”I respond “Aye captain” I do as I am told. I take hold of the sword and quickly pull it from its captive sheath and the sword begins to glow bright blue white as before. all of the dragons on the bridge slip out of their chairs and drop to one knee.Valesz says “This is were I get to say I told you so. I warned you that they would react like this.”I sheath the blade and say “Stand up everyone. Please I'm not worthy of such respect at least not yet.”Drake responds “But you make the Dragon sword glow white only a great leader can do that.”I respond “I can not be considered a great leader until after great things have been done.”Drake responds “Yes, Lord Paul Curtis.” and bows his head.I say “I give up, let's continue the meeting in the briefing room.”Valesz says “When Katherine gets here please send her into the briefing room.”We all enter the briefing room the door closes behind us. We all take a seat around the elongated conference table. There are ten chairs around the table, four on each side and one on each end.Valesz says “What is so urgent that you had us increase speed?”I reply “During my battle with Jalad I started probing his mind and learned that the Mantis already know that there are unicorn hiding among the other species. That's why they have planted spy's to seek them out to continue destroying them.”Celer ask “I noticed that the battle was rather short, you defeated him quite easily what happened?”I respond “Well to be honest it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be, nothing like it was in my dream. Perhaps a little demonstration would be helpful, Lakia would you help me?”Lakia responds “Of course my love.”I say “Please stand up in front of me.” and she does. I say “Now hit me, make your hands into fist and hit me.”She replies “But I don't want to hurt you my love”I reply “You won't hurt me, you can't hurt me. Now HIT ME!!” she makes a feeble swing I lean back and she misses. I say “Let me make this easier for you pretend that I am Jalad the night that you defended yourself against him.” I can feel the anger building in her. She throws a right hook, I block with my left arm. She throws a left and I block with my right arm. She kicks but just as she leans her weight on her tail I jump up into the air her feet hit nothing but air. I land back on my feet. She whips around and tries to tail sweep my feet, but again I jump she finishes her spin with a hook and I block with my arm and say “Enough. Thank you”Lakia ask “How did you do that? No one has ever avoided me like that.”I respond “My love I knew what you were going to do before you did. That is how I was able to defeat Jalad so quickly well that and if you will a different kind of mind fuck.”Celer says “What do you mean different kind of mind fuck?”I reply “In the same way that I was able to share our experience with my mates, I shared pain, hate and anger to Jalad, then after that I started to forcefully extract information from his mind... speaking of searching minds Katherine is about to walk in.” Then the door opens and Katherine enters the briefing room.Valesz says “Katherine you just missed a good show Paul had Lakia try to hit him and she couldn't lay a paw on him.”She responds “ I would have loved to see that.”I say “ I can arrange that if you like, who's point of view would you like?”She replies “Will this be like the last time you shared with us?”I respond “No this won't have the extreme feelings.”She says “ Valesz would you mind?”Valesz responds “No I don't mind”I approach Valesz and say “Remember.” she starts thinking about the scrimmage between Lakia and myself, I begin reading her thoughts seeing it from her point of view.I comment “Not only are your eyes beautiful you see quite differently than I do. The images are so much more detailed that I see.” Then I say “Katherine are you ready?”She responds “Yes”I say “Clear your mind and relax.” I approach Katherine and begin replaying the memory for her. Just as I finish she takes a step back she looks a little week I grab her and say “Are you ok?”She responds “Yes, its just that I'm not use to seeing those kinds of colors and detail, I got dizzy for a second.”Celer says “Looks like your developing your mental abilities very quickly now.”I respond “Yes it seems so, almost like to do something all I have to do is think about it and it happens.”Celer responds “Let's just try exactly that. Place your sword and sheath on the table then step back from the table.”I respond “okay.” and set the sword on the table.Celer says “Now pick it up” I step back towards the table.Celer says “No not with your hands use your mind to pick it up.” I take a step back .Celer says “Now clear your mind and close your eyes, picture the sword in your mind use the image of it laying on the table. Now imagine it standing up on the table ok now flip the sword over so that it is standing on its handle, very good now remove the sheath from the blade and let it lay on the table. Okay now open your eyes”I see the sword standing up with the sheath removed the blade is glowing it's bright blue white.Celer says “Now bring the sword to you slowly.” The sword raises off of the table and begins moving towards me I take the hilt in my hand.Celer says “Now bring the sheath to you. This time do it more quickly.” The sheath flies through the air hitting my hand with a smack.Celer “Okay one more try releasing them into the air and sheath the sword with your mind.” I release the sheath first it falls it stops just millimeters from the floor I bring it back up to eye level then release the sword this time nothing falls they are just floating in front of me in mid air. Celer says “ now place the sword in it's sheath. I concentrate and both the sword and sheath are now horizontal the sword slowly slides into the sheath all the way in to the hilt. I raise my left arm and place the sheath across my shoulder.Celer says “Very nice. It took me almost a week to do that. Your control is amazing.”I respond “Thank you”Celer says “There is a way to expedite your development, since you have come this far so quickly I'm sure that you can do it.”I respond “What do I have to do?” well the four of us will all link to you and each will give you the training mentally we each have our strong points and each will teach you something different or expand on what you already know, there is a small draw back to this method. It is extremely mentally challenging, and an exhaustive procedure and everyone involved will need to sleep much like what happened when you healed yourself.”I respond “I have only been awake for a couple of hours now, lets wait a few hours. I don't want to be tired when we get to Vivus.”Celer replies “As you wish, there is one more thing since we will be giving you so much information while we are linked if we find that you excel in a particular area that we lack then that information will be shared by us as well, this type of link is a two way conduit since I know that you can heal and I lack in that area I may learn from you.”I reply “Sounds like a fair deal, we each gain from the others.” Celer says “I'm sure that I don't have to say, not to discuss this with anyone else ever. This kind of link is one of our most guarded secrets.”I say “since we are talking about linking , there is something in your skull that I would like to see.”Celer says “What is it?”I respond “If you don't mind I would like to try and find it myself.”Celer says “I have a lot of memories a little more than 2000 years worth, do you think you can handle that?”I reply “ I think I can”Celer says “ I also have some memories that you will find disturbing. Remember I have seen war.”I respond “I think I can handle that too.”Celer says “Any time your ready.”I begin digging through his mind. The last few years going from ship to ship hiding in cargo holds even with his mate so lonely its almost unbearable, I keep digging further back the images from the war seeing the Mantis hideous creatures evil looking, they look very similar to the preying mantis back on earth. Only they stand about three meters tall. (Oh he wasn't kidding when he said he had some disturbing memories.) to see a Mantis literally bite the head off of a unicorn. I continue going deeper into his memories deeper and deeper I go looking for that memory I finally reach a time before the Mantis but the memory I am looking for is much deeper.I hear Celer say “If you tell me what you want I can bring it to the top for you.”I respond “I'm doing ok but thank you.” I continue digging deeper I think I'm back close to 1000 years by now. But its still deeper so deeper I go .. he sure has had some fun in his past I would say that unicorns use to make love at the drop of a hat, any hat. Perhaps soon enough it will be that way again. But I still need to go deeper .. oh wait I almost past it I see the memories that I am looking for. His visit to earth 2000 years ago. There his first meeting with my 100th generation grandmother, so that's why he felt so compelled to help her she was ducking in that ravine to avoid being see by them, he felt that it was his fault that she fell. Lets skip forward just a little here they are all sitting eating dinner enjoying the company, Celer is reaching for his glass and … ill be damned he just knocked it over like he did to me, oh she looks pissed she is beat red and damn he is right she has that vein popping out just like he mentioned, he really did enjoy watching her get mad at him. Ok she is starting to settle down again, she is a rather striking woman shapely figure to boot. Long flowing dark hair, big beautiful blue-green hazel eyes.. ok thats enough, I got to see what I wanted to see. I release the link. I step back using the wall to hold me up while I regain my balance.Valesz says “Are you ok?”I reply “I will be fine. Just a lot to deal with.”Celer says “With what you just did I'm surprised your still standing at all.”Valesz says “What did he just do?”Celer says “He just went back 2000 years to meet his 100th generation grandmother, and that was after he stopped and caught a few scenes from the Mantis attack, and a few other little stops he made but no need to mention those.”I say “So you were aware of everything that I saw.Celer replies “Yes, everything you saw and felt. I tried to suppress some of the emotion during the attack. I tried to warn you about that though.”I reply “Yes you did , and I thank you for holding that back for me during that part.”Celer says “You preformed that quite well in fact if it were a unicorn doing it I would venture that you had been doing that for at least 250 years, you are quite adept at mind linking. But for now I think you need to just relax for a while.”I reply “ I'm not going to argue that point, how about we go down to the Rec. area?”Valesz says “How about we go to the galley first, and get something to eat.”I respond “That sounds good to me.” everyone stands and we exit the briefing room …..When we arrive at the galley I ask everyone to take a seat. I sit at the table myself.Valesz says “I thought that we were going to eat?”I respond “We are. How would you like your steak?”She replies “You know how I want it.” No one seemed to notice that the light on the grill was now on indicating that the grill was heating up. Then when they hear the oil hit the hot grill everyone notices that the oil is just setting back down on the shelf.Valesz says “Damn it Paul warn me before you do stuff like that.”“What you mean like this?” and seven bowls all line up in a row at the salad bar and I start filling them with salad.I ask “Is there anything specific anyone wants in their salad?”Sigrun says “The way that you make the salads is just fine with me.”Celer says “Same here.”Katherine says “I would like some fruit from one of the trees in the pool room, if you can manage it.”I respond “Let me try.” A few moments later a couple pieces of fruit come floating in to the galley, with Ladon, Tiamat ,Xanthos, and Ogrifina all following the fruit they all stop when they see it set on the table in front of Katherine. Tiamat says “Katherine did you do that?”before Katherine can respond Valesz says “no I did it.”Tiamat replies with a look of surprise on her face “Really?” everyone at the table begins laughing.Tiamat says “Whats so funny?”Valesz replies “The look on your face, and Paul is responsible for the fruit.”Xanthos says “I didn't know that humans were telekinetic .”I respond “As far as any of us know I'm the only one with the powers that I have.”Xanthos says “Powers? You mean that you have more than one mental ability?”I respond telepathically “Yes.” Xanthos says “I heard that but your mouth did not move. So your also telepathic? Anything else?”I respond “I don't know yet I'm just starting to learn to use these powers” Then I bring the salad over and put the steaks on the grill and add the seasoning. Then I flip Valesz's steak and season the other side. Then I bring the empty plates to the table, I return my attention to the steaks I flip my steak, and bring Valesz's steak towards her plate but it don't quite make it she bites it in mid air. Then I bring my steak to my plate.Celer says “You need to take it easy on the mental abilities remember tonight is going to be difficult you need to save your strength.”I respond “But this is effortless nothing like when I healed myself.”Celer says “Let me link with you while you perform some telekinetic abilities.”I reply “Any time you are ready.” I can feel Celer in my thoughts.I say “Everyone please place your paws or hooves on the table.” They do as I ask. Then the table lifts about 3 cm off the floor, I think to myself this is too easy then I lift everyone at the table and the table about 1m off the floor.Celer says “I can sense that you are barely using your abilities. Such power for any individual is unheard of, since you seem to possess such power I want you to reverse the link and go back into my thoughts about 200 years before your 100th generation grandmother, that's when I learned to teleport.”I start digging through Celer's thoughts. It it much easier this time I get right to the thoughts of my 100th generation grandmother then I start working my way further back.Alkippe ask Celer “Has he reversed the link yet ?”Celer responds “Yes and with even more skill than before.”Alkippe says “But he is still levitating us.” Celer replies “I know like I said he was barely using any mental power to do it in the first place. Even now he isn't using much with levitating us and mind linking with me.”I say “All of this has become so effortless for me I would like to try something else while doing these two other task I want to try and mind link with everyone here at the same time.” Everyone agrees.I begin with Valesz since she is the closest to me she is thinking about the first time we met, I say “Are you trying to make this hard for me love? Thinking about the first time we met...” I continue on to Katherine she is also thinking about the first time we met more specifically the moment when she left me with Valesz and winked at me oh she wanted me something fierce...ahh there is what Celer wanted me to find images with him out in an open field getting ready to teleport for the first time the unicorn talking to him is warning him not to try and go far the first few times, explaining that there have been a few accidents where the students had teleported themselves into solid objects like trees and rock faces... now linking with Dinos she is remembering when I reintroduced them to Sigrun and Alkippe. Now I'm linking with Lakia she is thinking about the fight oh damn she gets seriously horny when fighting... Celer is now getting ready to try his first attempt at Teleportation... I'm now linking with Sigrun he is thinking about the time at the pool when Katherine was riding his cock like a fire pole.Celer is now thinking about teleporting behind his instructor his thoughts are very focused and then in an instant he is standing exactly where he wanted. Now I'm linking with Alkippe she is thinking about the first time we met and the fact that I had helped Lakia when she got shot. Celer is now on the next day and the next teleportation. The instructor tells him to try and go a little further today and points to a hill top about 200m away. Celer begins focusing on being on the hill top and just as quickly as before he is there.Celer says “After you see the next exercise you can release the link. I can sense that you are still not using much of your power even with all that you are doing. I wouldn't be surprised if you put you mind to it to destroy some of the Mantis ships just by thinking about it.”I continue to the next session of teleportation. Celer is on a floating platform above a large lake there is another platform the instructor tells Celer that the platforms will begin moving and that he is to transport himself from one platform to the other while in motion.Katherine is remembering impaling herself on Sigrun's cock at the pool. The sensations are quite different not the same as when a male enters a female.. Celer is now moving and concentrating on making his trip to the next platform, he disappears and then materializes right behind the other platform, and falls into the water. Celer tells me that attempt was the only time he has missed a target, and that if I wish I can now release the link or stay for the next session.I reply “I will stay for the next session. So we continue through his memories the next day the instructor tells Celer to try again and to try and project himself just in front of the moving platform. The platforms are moving about 85 kph. Celer begins to concentrate and tries again and this time is successful. Celer tells me to break the link now. I release his link then set everyone down then release the individual links that I had created.Alkippe says “What you just did wasn't that different from the link that we intend to do later. How do you feel after doing all of that at the same time?”I respond “I feel fine. I have a question though. There were several that were thinking about sexual encounters do you normally think of things like that on a regular basis or were you doing it for my benefit.”Valesz responds “When you first tried to communicate with Dinos telepathically she chose a sexual memory so it would be easier for you because it raises strong emotions. That is why I did it.”I say “Enough of this for now I'm ready for a dip in the pool, everyone else ready?Valesz replies “let's go” I take her hand and we lead the way...When we get to the pool I drop the sword on the deck and I am the first to dive in , I have about a 2 meter head start on Valesz, she dives in right behind me. By the time I get to the other side of the pool she has about a 1 meter lead on me when I surface.I say “Damn you''re fast in the water.”She replies “Thank you, I was always a good swimmer that is one of the reasons that I made sure that we had a pool on the ship. I enjoy it so much I insisted that my father get one installed on the Lamri. We argued about it for months but I saved the money to get it done and he finally agreed that I could have it. After it was installed he saw that everyone was enjoying so much he actually thanked me for making him do it. I will never forget that day it was so rare that he showed me any real attention. Until the day after the party at Zot's anyway now he and I have a much better understanding and I have you to thank for it Paul.” she wraps her arms around me and gives me a big kiss.I reply “ But I have so much more to thank you for my love, bringing me on the ship, becoming my mate, introducing me to the unicorn, the dragon sword and that's just to name a few I can keep going...”Celer says “With your abilities you can be much faster, but perhaps your not ready for that just yet, I need to stop pushing you. You are expanding your mind too quickly, the last thing I want is for you to do something that your not ready for. An example would be if you were to try to teleport right now you just might end up floating in space and that is something that none of us wants..”Dinos says “Perhaps we should wait for a day or two so that you can take some time to focus on the abilities that you know you have.” Celer says “Thats a good idea , at least until we get to Vivus just work on the abilities that you know that you have and can work with.”I respond “ I can wait to work on other aspects of my development, for now we can just enjoy each others company.Then Talzon and Drake walk into the pool room. Valesz says “Is something wrong?”Talzon responds “No captain it's just shift change, and Snowy wanted some command time, so I told her that I would go relax for a few hours and she could get some experience in the chair.”Valesz replies “Very well, why don't both of you come over here and join us?”Talzon and Drake both dive in at the same time I watch how they gracefully sway their bodies through the water the way the light dances on their scales as they swim across the pool, drake with his mirror like black scales looks like he is moving in perfect unison as the light moves in waves along his sleek body, and Talzon almost looks like he is on fire with the light caressing his bright red scales. They emerge from the water in front of Valesz and myself.I look to Valesz and tell her how I watched them swim towards us and how graceful it looked to me. Talzon says “I wish I could have seen that myself.”I reply “You can.”Talzon replies how it is impossible for me to see myself swimming?”I respond “No it's not, drake would you like to see as well?, and while I'm at it anyone else miss it?”Drake responds quickly “Yes I would love to.” everyone but Valesz also says “Yes”I say “Gather around me.” and everyone swims to make a circle around me. Then I say “Your not going to see this through dragon eyes you are going to see it as I did. So it may come as a bit of a shock to you.” Drake and Talzon both say “We are ready.” so I begin linking with all the minds in the room and project the memory of the two dragon swimming through the water.Then I ask Valesz “were you watching them as intently as I was?”She replies “yes I was.”“Then may I see it through your eyes?”She replies “Of course.” and she brings up her memory of the event and I broadcast it as I am getting it. As soon as Valesz finishes her view of the memory I break the link.Celer says “Very nicely done Paul a perfect transference.”Talzon how the hell did you do that? As amazing as it was to watch Drake and myself swim, yes I agree it was graceful but I would still like to know how you did that.”I reply “Just very recently I have learned that I am developing mental abilities and this is just one of them. I have a feeling that I still have a few more to surface before its all done.”“Enough of all of that we are here to relax and enjoy the company.”I turn to Drake and say “You know Drake I never got a chance to really thank you for getting the ring ready for the fight.” Drake replies “ what you just gave me was plenty thanks enough the chance to see through human eyes, and to see how graceful I look swimming, a very rare opportunity thank you.”I say “Your quite welcome.” then I dive into the water passing Drake as I pass him I take hold of his tail and pull him backwards into the water. He quickly pulls away from me and turns to give chase, and I take off swimming as fast as I can I reach the other end of the pool and surface turn around expecting that Drake is about to push me back under the water only to find that he is only half way across the pool.Celer says “ I thought that you were not going to try any new abilities for a couple of days.” I respond “I wasn't trying to it just happened.” Just then Drake gets to me, grabs my legs and pulls me under. While he is holding me underwater I get a sudden lustful feeling coming over me. I quickly realize that it is Drake that I'm getting it from.I reach down and take hold of his sheath, he jumps in surprise then realizes that I am not intending him any harm and begins to relax and returns the favor and takes hold of my growing cock he re-positions himself in the water and quickly takes my member into his mouth, but by now I'm really needing some air I tap him on the shoulder he looks at me and I point up he understands that I need to surface and releases me. (yes I could have told him telepathically but the last thing I wanted to do was to surprise him and with a mouth full of razor sharp teeth and my cock well you get the idea) I quickly surface and get out of the pool and lay on the deck a few feet away from the pool, Drake has a look of disappointment on his face I hold up a hand with my index finger motioning him to come up on the deck. A slight smile creeps across his face and with a single motion he leaps out of the water and joins me on the deck.His cock slightly poking out of its captive sheath I reach up and take hold of his growing member and he quickly becomes hard as I continue to stoke him Drake says “I have never been with a male before much less a human, but there is just something about you.”I respond “Just take your time and enjoy what we have to offer each other, besides until just a few of days ago I had not been with a male or female either so this is still new to me too. ” and with that said I lean over and take his cock into my mouth and begin working up and down on him. He moans in pleasure as I work my way down his 18cm shaft then I get on all fours and offer myself to him.Drake says “Are you sure?, I don't want to hurt you.”I respond “Don't worry you won't, just be mind full of those claws.”To Niegh or Not to Neigh
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Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3426 Posted: 07-23-2024 15:02 PM |
I hear Valesz say “And you thought that Drake wouldn't go for Paul, now if you will excuse me I'm going to see if I can join in some of that fun.”As Valesz approaches she ask “may I join you?”I reply “Yes, come here an lay in front of me.” just as Valesz gets her legs over my shoulders Drake pushes himself into me making both of us moan he squeezes slightly on my hips with his claws (I think to myself this just won't do ) I use my telekinetic power and bring a couple of towels I roll the first one up lengthwise and lay it across my back then roll the other one up and ask Valesz to sit up slightly and lay the other one under her back.Then I say “If you get the urge to squeeze grab the towels please.” As Valesz lays back down I begin licking her and she begins to moan, while Drake thrust away at me.I pause and say “Slow down Drake enjoy it, I am going to make this the most intense experience you have ever had soon enough.” and Drake slows down, now taking his time to enjoy the experience. I link with Valesz and ask her if she would mind giving drake some tail she skillfully dips her tail into her own wetness as she pulls it out I can't help but to grab her tail and begin licking and sucking on it, through the link she responds “How do you expect me to tail Drake with you sucking on my tail although it does feel good”I reply “I just couldn't help myself it just looked so tasty I couldn't let it pass me by” I release her tail and she proceeds to seek out her mark. While I return to licking her sweet nectar from within. As Valesz penetrates Drake he roars in pleasure and thrust deep into me making me moan sending the vibrations into Valesz she returns with a roar of her own feeling the pleasures that I am giving her, and she begins to squeeze her pussy on my tongue as her sweet juices begin flowing out of her.As her orgasm begins to subside she ask “Will you please lift up I want to change positions, I want to feel you in me.” I do as I am ask she withdraws her tail from Drake and gets on all four's and works her way under me.I reach between us and guide my cock to her entrance and slowly push my way into her extremely hot pussy she moans as I push all the way in. I can feel her sensations we are still linked then I hear her say “Now that you are good and wet you know what I want”I pull myself out of her and position myself a little higher she quickly dips her tail back into herself again getting it good and wet again and moves her tail back for Drakes ass again. I ask Drake “Are you ready for the most intense feelings you have ever had?” as I begin to link with him, she finds her hole and thrust into him again. He roars again and thrust himself as deep as he can into me pushing me all the way to the hilt into Valesz sending waves of pleasure throughout her body she lets out a roar louder than I have ever heard from her. Feeling her pleasure almost send me over the top but I manage to hold back she pulls her tail back from Drake not quite all the way out and she thrust it back again pushing him deep into me again I feel his orgasm building to peek and I am forced deep into Valesz again as my own orgasm has reached peek feeling the sensations all three of us were sharing. We roar as we all all fill or cover each other with with our hot sticky juices. I can feel Drake pumping his cum deep into me and Valesz covering my balls with her love juices. My roar was meager compared to the roars of the two dragons but none the less it was worth roaring about. Drake collapses onto my back with me trying to hold our weight off of Valesz but I am so week it is no use she slides down to the floor with me and drake both laying on top of her.I glance over to the others who were enjoying themselves until they heard all the roaring they didn't know what to make of it even Talzon has a look of bewilderment on his face they all quickly realize that we are fine and continue with their own task Drake finally rolls off of me and I break the link with him and Valesz I'm still laying on Valesz and then I link with the others Celer is on top of Dinos and next to them Sigrun is on top of Alkippe and well Talzon is under both Lakia and Katherine. With my link letting them all share the experiences of the others it don't take them all long at all to to begin reaching climax the moaning quickly turns into screams and roars feeling their climaxes build my own climax builds again and I begin pumping what little cum I have left into Valesz as everyone else releases their own climaxes and everyone collapses where they are.I roll off of Valesz laying next to her with Drake on the other side of me he puts his arm over me and says “ thank you for making my first male experience a good one.”I reply “Your welcome perhaps we can do it again sometime.”Drake replies “I would like that.”Valesz says “You two just looked like you were having so much fun I couldn't help but join in, and now I am really glad that I did it was a lot of fun.”She is laying on her side facing me I put my arm over her and give her a kiss and say “ I'm glad that you joined in too, you know that I would never say no to you.”She replies “Yes I know my love and I would never tell you no either.” Everyone drifts off to sleep.I wake a few hours later to find that the only ones left are me and Valesz in the pool room. I gently caress her cheek with my hand.She wakes with a smile she takes my hand in hers and says “I love to be awakened by your touch.”I lean towards her and give her a gentile kiss. Then I say “Do you remember having a dream early this morning about our ceremony?”She replies “Yes but how did you know about that dream were you peeking into my mind then?”I reply “No my love I gave You, Katherine, and Lakia that dream. When I woke with Dinos next to me all of you were sleeping so peacefully I wanted to give you something to make you happy too.” she responds that was a very sweet thing for you to do.”I say “When we get to earth I would like to take some time to show you some of the sites and treat you to some more of the foods.”She replies “Since we will be a Vivus for a few days why don't we take some time and I can show you the sites of my home world, I think that you would enjoy the Fire Rock Caves. The temperature in the caves stays 39.4c there are a few small caves that streams trickle into keeping them quite steamy.I reply “Sounds relaxing, perhaps we can do that but I would also like to spend some time with just the four of us well I wouldn't mind if the unicorn were there. Now that I think about it there is something that me and at least Celer need to do after we meet with the counsel.Valesz responds “ I think I have just the place for you to do your training my grandfather has a bit of land out in the middle of nowhere it is about 25km square and a cabin that we can all stay in. My grandfather told me that he liked to go out there just to get close to nature to get away from everyone from time to time.”I reply “That would be perfect. We all can relax at leisure and I can still practice using my powers.Valesz says “How about we go to the galley and get something to eat.I reply “Now that we know most of what we are going to do when we get to Vivus I can relax a little, and after our last little escapade I could use something to eat.”I Stand up then turn to help Valesz up by extending my hand to her and she takes it and stands herself. I pull her to me and give her a passionate kiss and say “You know that I love you even more than life it self.”She responds “I love you too, you are my soul mate.” She gives me a quick kiss and turns and heads towards the door. I just stand there for a moment watching as she walks, watching that seductive sway, watching her tail swing from side to side as the light plays along her brilliant blue scales.She stops and turns her head and says “You coming?”I respond “Oh I just came a few hours ago but if you really want I can cum again...”she snickers flashing me that toothy little grin then says “Come on let's go get something to eat.”I reply “ I'm right behind you.”She replies “That's just where I like you.” As she flicks her tail giving me a quick glimpse of her wonderful backside .I laugh and say “You keep showing that off and I will be cumming again.” Then I begin walking quickly catching up to her.As we are walking down the corridor. I say “Let me make this trip a little more interesting.”Then with a simple thought we are no longer walking on the floor but floating through the air towards the galley I lift us both to a horizontal position and we are now literally flying through the ship heading towards the galley.As we approach the pad lift I say , “I hope that no one is coming on the lift.” she looks at me with a look of worry on her face.I say “You know that I would not do anything to hurt you my love.” she smiles as we fly through the lift pad opening.As we enter the galley I bring us back to an upright position and gently set us back on the floor. There we see that we weren't the only ones that were hungry, everyone's already here just finishing their meals.As we set back down on the floor Celer says “Nice display of telekinesis. It is simply amazing at the speed which your abilities are developing.”Dinos says “I agree never before has even a unicorn developed abilities as strong as yours in such a short period of time, nor as many, usually a unicorn develops one strong ability and the others remain considerably weaker. For example my strength is in mind link but have to work very hard to teleport where as Celer is just the opposite he can teleport easily but has to work at linking.”I respond “I can only imagine how powerful I will become. For now all I can do is learn to use my powers as they are developing. As you suggest I am refraining from using some of them , like teleportation even though I know that I can do it.That reminds me I have been meaning to ask “Celer did you have the benefit of linking to help learn teleportation?”Celer responds “No I didn't, that one I had to learn on my own. When my teacher tested me trough a mind link he sensed that was my strongest power and decided that I should learn that before I linked to learn anything else. Before you ask, yes I tested you but your mind is so much more powerful than myself I really have no way to decide your real strength All I can do is help guide you through your learning but learning your limits are totally up to you.”While we were talking no one noticed that I was preparing mine and Valesz's meal, a steak for my love and a salad for myself.Sigrun comments “What no steak today?”I respond “No all I want this time is a salad.” Valesz and myself take our seats at the table with the others, and begin to enjoy our meal while Celer continues to discuss my mental development.Celer says “I can help you find each power and help give you hints and in some cases show you how to use them, that is why unicorns use mind links to help teach each other. It was not long after I developed my teleportation that I linked with Dinos and taught her how to teleport. It took her a couple of months before she was actually able to do it on her own, and here it is 2000 years later she still has to work at it. Much like I have to work at linking, but you on the other hand don't seem to have to work hard at any abilities so far. They seem to be surfacing on their own and each with the power of an elder unicorn with that particular ability. With that I am more guessing since I have never linked with an elder nor will I get that chance. I believe that the mantis destroyed the elders in the very beginning of the war. I call it war, but it was more of a slaughter.”I ask “Since most of the unicorn can teleport, why didn't they just teleport out of danger?”Celer responds “Remember I told you that I can teleport about 2km, well there are a few that can go further but most can only go short distances like across a room or in the same building. Even if we could teleport as far as 20km there was nowhere on the planet that was safe. They covered it like ants to a piece of food on your world. When a unicorn did manage to teleport there was another Mantis waiting nearby. With the help of a very dear friend we were able to escape the onslaught of the Mantis our friend helped a small group of us out of that damn mess I was able to warn a few friends just as the attack really began. I did not want to leave at first but my friend told me that if me and my friends did not leave immediately that the unicorn race would die then and there, and after we were a distance away we sent out a warning to the few that were roaming through space not to return home. If it wasn't for him there would not be any unicorns left and we would not have met.”I say is your friend still alive?”Celer responds “Yes actually he is, perhaps you will get to meet him when this is all over.”Valesz says “ I would like to meet the one responsible for saving you and your friends my self.”Celer replies “In time you will get to meet him. I promise.” Valesz and I finish our meal.I say “Since we are all here I told Dinos that I would be the one to tell everyone when we were together. Valesz, Katherine, and Lakia , and Sigrun and Alkippe if you don't know this is for you too. Dinos is pregnant.”Everyone starts giving praise to Celer and Dinos.I say “Celer is not the father, although he will be the daddy. This is my progeny.”Lakia ask “But you only mated with her once how do you know this is your progeny”Dinos pops in “Because I told him, a mare be it unicorn or equine, a mare knows almost immediately when she is pregnant. Even before I told Paul that it was his, I had discussed it with Celer first and we both decided that I should be the one to tell Paul, and that he should be the one to convey it to the three of you after all you are his mates.”Valesz responds “I'm sure that everyone here is happy for you Dinos, I have to admit this is a bit of a surprise although Paul has been surprising me on a daily basis this is one that I definitely did not expect at least not so soon. None the less I am happy for you all four of you.”Lakia gets up and walks over to Dinos and gives her a hug and says “I'm so happy for you, congratulations.” Katherine does the same and says “Have you picked out a name yet?”Dinos replies “Not yet but we are thinking of 'Celer Curtis' if its a colt, and if it is a filly we are thinking about 'Valesz Curtis'. It is customary for the foal to carry the last name of the stallion.”Valesz says “We would both be honored to have the foal named after us.”I respond “I agree it would be a great honor.”Dinos and Celer look at each other for a second then look back and Celer says “Then that is settled if the foal is a filly she will be named 'Valesz Curtis' and if the foal is a colt then his name will be 'Celer Curtis'.”Valesz says “I need to go to the bridge for a while, my crew is probably starting to wonder about me, I don't normally stay off the bridge this long, but then again nothing has been normal since I have met you Paul.”I respond “I'm glad that I can keep you guessing, and make your life more interesting.”She replies “That you do.” she gives me a kiss and turns to head out the door.I say “Before you go will you have the helm officer keep an eye on the engine, and speed. I am going down to the engine room to see if I can squeeze a few more gigawatt's out of the engine.”Valesz responds “Yes I can do that for you.”and she walks out towards the bridge.Celer says “There is a small task that I would like for you to try, at your stage of development I think that with a little guidance you can do it.”I say “Okay, what is this task?”He replies “Consider this part of your training get a cup and put some water in it.”Without getting up I get a cup with some water in it about ¾ full. I bring the cup to the table and set it in the middle of the table then say “Whats next?”Celer responds “I know that you understand that when something is hot the molecules are moving very fast and when something is cold they are moving much slower. What I want you to do is simply speed up the molecules and make the liquid become hot. Look at the water in the cup better yet don't look at the water try and see the molecules and make them move faster.”I look into the water and see the water.”Dinos says “Try and look into the water the way that you found the embryo in me.” so I try again looking into the water deeper and deeper until finally I see the molecules I look even deeper I see the atoms I take hold of one of the atoms with my mind and begin spinning it faster and faster Celer taps me on the shoulder breaking my concentration then I look back at the cup and see that the water is boiling.Celer says “Very nicely done, now I want you to do the opposite I want you to slow the molecules and freeze the water.”I look at the cup of boiling water and go deeper and deeper until I can see the atoms again, this time I reach out with my mind and seize an atom stopping all motion in that atom. The cup shatters with the instant temperature change leaving a small cup shape ice cube setting on the table.Celer says “One more small task I want you to put the cup back together and rearrange the molecules as if it had never broken.”Picking up the cup and putting the pieces back together is the easy part, mending it that's going to take a little more concentration I begin looking into the cups structure even though I am holding the cup together the tiny cracks at this view are gigantic crevasses. I start by spinning some of the atoms a little faster and begin moving them back and forth slowly filling the cracks in I keep going until I can find no more crevasses and return to just looking at the cup that has been repaired.Sigrun says very good “It took me over 100 years to learn that one myself.”Alkippe says “Yes and countless cups, plates and glasses.”Celer says “with what you are about to do I wanted you to have this training, I'm sorry the thought was so strong I couldn't help but notice and new that this would help you.”I say “Celer, Dinos, Sigrun, and Alkippe will you come with me to the engine room I would like it if you would all be my backups, safe guards if you will.” everyone agrees to help me with my next task. We all stand up and start walking towards the engine room.As we are walking towards the engine room Alkippe says “Paul would you mind doing that levitating thing like you were doing with Valesz when you came into the galley, it looked like so much fun.”I don't respond I just lift everyone up and put us all in a horizontal position.. then I bring Dinos under me facing me and ask “Would you rather be looking at where we are going or me?”She responds looking at you is nice but this time I think I would like to see where we are going.”I flip her over just below me then I bring Alkippe over top of me and say “Hang on.” then I turn back and say “Guys are you ready”They both respond “Yes, lets go” we begin flying towards the engine room at speeds I couldn't even begin to run at I don't think that even the unicorn could run at this speed, under normal circumstances.. in just a few seconds we arrive at the engine room. I return everyone to the upright position and set everyone gently on the floor.As we enter the engine room an alarm sounds “INTRUDER ALERT.... INTRUDER ALERT...” I say “Computer intruder alert override authorization Alpha Gama Omega 1011 green.” I say “It's okay now you can come on in”Squeaky and Zipper are playing a game of poker or a variant of.I say “Okay boys time to do a little work.”Squeaky replies “What upgrades you got in mind this time boss?” I respond this is no upgrade. What I would like for the two of you to do is monitor the engines very carefully and if you see any signs of trouble shut them down.”Squeaky responds “Sure thing boss (squeak, squeak)”I say “Computer display route map with ETA on terminal 3, display engine status on terminal 4 and give me constant audio of engine status including temperature's, and open a com to the bridge.”The terminals switch to the desired screens the computer responds “com open , engines operating at 172% core temperature 680 Celsius ,plasma temperature at 32000 Celsius ETA 12 hours 23 minutes . Valesz responds over the com “Is everything okay down there? “I reply “ Yes Captain, I just wanted to make sure that everyone's aware that I am about to try something that has never been done and to stay ready, and monitor the engines very closely.”Valesz replies “We are ready up here.”I respond “Give me just a minute to get everyone down here prepared and in place. Snowy please release the engine speed controls.”Snowy responds “ you now have control of the ship speed.”I reply “Thank you.” then I turn to the unicorns and ask “Which one of you is best at temperature control?”Sigrun responds “that would be me” then I ask “ now who is best at linking ?”Dinos replies “ That's me”I say “Okay Sigrun you are my temperature backup I want you to keep the core casing cool should I need help there. Dinos I would like for you to monitor those two screens and link the information to me, and Celer I want you to monitor me you are my backup if you see that I am having any problems help me break my concentration or help me with my focus you will have that decision should the need arise, and Alkippe I would like for you to keep an eye on everyone and jump in if anyone needs help.”Sigrun begins to focus on the core while Celer creates his link with me, and then Dinos creates her link with me.I say “Everyone ready ?”Everyone responds “Yes.”I begin focusing on the coolant casing slowing the atoms slightly, I hear the computer “core temperature 500 Celsius then I begin focusing on the plasma as it flows through the engine seeing all the imperfections in the core there are so many eddies in the plasma flow I will have to mention the design flaws later... I begin speeding up the plasma atoms, I hear the computer say plasma temperature 28400 Celsius ETA 5 hours 2minutes.I hear Snowy in the background say “Captain we just passed 9.5xl” the computer says “ core temperature 730 Celsius” I return my focus to the coolant casing and slow the atoms down again.The computer says “Core temperature 550 Celsius I again return my focus to the plasma and speed the atoms up again the computer says “Plasma temperature 29500 Celsius the computer says “core temperature 700 Celsius, ETA 12 minutes”I again hear Snowy in the background “Captain our speed is off the chart.”I see from Dinos that are quickly approaching the Vivus star system , so I begin to slow the plasma atoms down back to their original speed and do the same for the coolant casing. Then I shut the engines down to sub-light speed. As Dinos and Celer release their links with me I drop to the floor and pass out.I wake up a some time later, I quickly realize that I'm not on-board the ship anymore.Dinos is laying next to me , she smiles and says “Your awake, its about time”I respond “ how long this time?”she says “About 2 hours. Valesz should be here soon.”“How did I get here?”Valesz brought the ship to a low orbit and Celer teleported you here then she took the ship to the ship yard and we took a shuttle down here they are unloading the cargo now, and Valesz went to see about assembling the Dragon Counsel tonight. We will see if she can but they might not be available until in the morning.”Celer walks in and says “That was some impressive power you demonstrated in the engine room, come get something to eat you will need your strength in the morning might even need some tonight if Valesz can get the dragon counsel together.”I don't argue I manage to get out of bed and make my way into the main room where Celer has a salad waiting for me. I look around I see a window it is dark outside. The cabin looks much like one from earth it is built with timbers stacked on top of one another the main room is about 6 meters square with two doors on one wall and the entrance door on an adjacent wall. The kitchen consists of a sink a small food storage unit and some small cabinets no cooking appliance. I begin to eat my salad continuing to look around the little cabin.Then the door opens and Valesz walks in, I say “Hello my love.” and I stand as she approaches me and I greet her with a passionate kiss.She pulls back saying “Oh yuck salad!” then she gives me that cute toothy grin.I ask “What about the counsel meeting?”Valesz responds “We will be meeting with them at 08:00 so after you finish your salad we will go to bed and get a good night sleep.”I reply “Sounds good to me. Celer would you mind getting up early so I can practice one ability before we go to meet with the counsel?”Celer replies “No I don't mind at all I will probably already be awake when you get up.”Sigrun says “Now would be a good time to do the mind link, that way everyone will still be fresh in the morning and you will have all of the knowledge that we can give you.”Alkippe says “Finish your salad and then we will all go into the bedroom and proceed with the link.”I quickly finish my salad and we all go into the bedroom. Now that I am awake and can pay attention to what is around me the bedroom is almost as big as the main room and the bed is the largest that I have seen yet it will accommodate all of us with plenty of room to spare we could have invited Xanthos and Ogrifina as well and still have room. I ask where is Lakia and Katherine ?”Valesz says they will be here in a couple of hours they are overseeing the unloading.”Celer says “Get in the middle of the bed and the rest of us will make a circle around you and then begin the link.I respond “Okay.” and crawl to the center of the bed. Then they circle around me, and Celer says “ are you ready Paul?”I respond “Yes “Celer says “Okay link with each of us and then we will do a reverse link after that it won't take long you will feel a little over whelmed at first, but after you sleep your mind will be able to accommodate the mass of information.”I begin linking with Celer first then Dinos then I turn my attention to Sigrun then finally Alkippe then in a flash all the information starts flooding in. Then I can feel them searching my mind ah Celer has focused on the temperature control Alkippe is now focusing on telekinesis , Sigrun on teleportation and Dinos I'm not sure what she has found but she is very focused on it. Just seconds after they find what each is looking for they begin to pass out.I look around they are scattered on the bed , all except for Valesz she was watching and waiting patiently.Valesz ask “What happened I expect you to pass out with the rest of them?”I reply “ I don't know I was expecting the same thing, once the link was in place there was a massive flood of information it will take me a little time to sort it all out but after that I could feel them scanning my mind finding what they were each looking for, then they started to pass out.”I pick them up line them up in their perspective pairs and lay them back on the bed in a more comfortable position. Then I crawl over by Valesz and we lay down holding each other as we drift off to sleep.
End chapter 15
Editted by Admin Unic0rn69 | ||
Homes10049 Member Post ID: 3453 Posted: 09-19-2024 21:22 PM |
do we have an update? | ||
SDSlayer Supporter Post ID: 3475 Posted: 11-21-2024 02:48 AM |
I couldn't resist bringing up the good ol' times.
Crazy chapter 17 | ||
SDSlayer Supporter Post ID: 3476 Posted: 11-21-2024 03:39 AM |
Table of Contents
Chapter: 1-3 | ||
Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3494 Posted: 12-01-2024 19:05 PM |
wasn't chaptpter 17 like 100 pages long LOL To Niegh or Not to Neigh
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SDSlayer Supporter Post ID: 3495 Posted: 12-01-2024 23:13 PM |
Chapter 17 was 108 pages and ~83,500 words. So a quick chapter to read | ||
Homes10049 Member Post ID: 3510 Posted: 01-12-2025 18:38 PM |
do we have the next chapter? | ||
Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3554 Posted: 03-04-2025 20:43 PM |
just Bump it why don't ya :P LOL :)
To Niegh or Not to Neigh