Homes10049 Member Post ID: 3247 Posted: 03-09-2024 00:40 AM |
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Homes10049 Member Post ID: 3248 Posted: 03-17-2024 18:12 PM |
no update yet? | ||
Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3253 Posted: 03-23-2024 17:55 PM |
Chapter 10
“Before we go to Zot's would you mind if we catch Doc and get him to fix my chest again?”Valesz says “Katherine would you contact Zot's and have them send the Doc back up here”Katherine “No problem, I will do it right now.” She heads for the nearest computer station.Lakia says “Lets get you out of these cloths.” I respond “Geez we have only been mated for five minutes and all you can think of is getting me out of my clothes.” They both laugh.Katherine walks back in “He will meet us in the infirmary in a few minutes.”The tuxedo shirt has several blood spots on in clearly showing where the claw marks are. I finish getting out of my penguin suit. Now that the ceremonies are done I can get comfortable, Katherine looks to Valesz and Lakia and says “There is one reason that we all mated with him he likes to be naked even more than we do.I reply “I only like to be naked because I know that you enjoy the view. Okay we need to get to the infirmary, we don't want to keep the doc waiting.”Valesz says “and we have a party to go to.”We are walking down the hall just as we approach the infirmary we hear Doc. Attor saying down the hall “I'm coming” as the Doc approaches he says “Ya know Paul until you got here I could go for weeks even months with out any one getting so much as a scratch but this is three visits in as many days, are you trying to make me work for my credits”I respond “Hello Doc, well as a matter of fact yes I am. I'm getting these claw marks just so I can come and visit you.”Doc says “Let's take a look , ah yes these marks are not quite as deep and still fresh there shouldn't be any scaring this time.” and he reaches for his re-generator “although it is still going to hurt a little. Have a seat”I sit on the bed and Doc turns on his little torture device and points it at the first wound. I clench my hands on the edge of the bed and cringe a bit then say. “Doc you enjoy this don't you”He responds “Of course I do. I like watching those that are always injuring themselves in pain.”As the Doc finishes I say “That feels much better.”Valesz says “ Doc do you mind if I use the viso screen in your office?”Doc replies “Please do.”Valesz walks into Doc's office and the door closes behind her. I glance down to my chest and the only scars left are the ones that Valesz gave me. I start to think back on that night (Oh that was a fun night with the three of them taking turns with me, quite simply having there way with me.)The office door opens and Valesz walks out and says “Before we go to the party there is some one I would like for you to meet.”I respond “Let's go. Thanks Doc.”Doc responds “Your welcome.”Valesz says “We will met you at the party in just a little while Doc.”Doc “ I will tell everyone that you are on your way.”Valesz looks at me and says “I have another surprise for you. Do you remember those other rooms that were level 8 access?”I respond “yes, one was your room and another was a cargo hold and the 3rd looked a bit more like quarters in size.” she responds “Yes you are correct on both counts however, the cargo hold has been converted into a work area for some of our crew. They are the ones that I am taking you to meet. they won't be joining the party and you will see why when we get there.”I respond “Is something wrong with them are they deformed in some way?”Valesz responds “You will see.”When we arrive at the cargo hold Valesz presses a few buttons on the door control pad.The door opens reveling the two most magnificent creatures I have ever laid eyes on. They are Unicorn. I stammer a bit I. I thought that your kind was a myth. I am sorry where are my manners …Valesz chimes in “Yes Paul they are unicorn, this is Sigrun and Alkippe (they are a pair of perfect white unicorns with flowing manes and tails)Sigrun walks up to me and greets me with a hug and says “Thank you for taking care of Lakia when she was injured, she is a very dear friend to me and my mate.”(I never thought that I would ever see a unicorn much less get to get hugged by one)I respond “It was my duty to protect my shipmates, And I will most certainly do the same for you.”Then Alkippe steps to me and greets me with a kiss, she says “We have heard all about you, we even watched you and Lakia fight on the viso screen. That was something else. Then there was the mating it was quite apparent that the two of you care very much for each other.”Lakia says “Yes very much.”Valesz and Katherine both say “Don't forget about us.”I respond “I could never forget any of you.” then I turn to Sigrun and say “if I may be so bold as to ask are there any other Unicorn?”He responds “Yes but very few, after the Mantis destroyed our home world and most of its inhabitants the only ones left were the few that escaped and those that were traveling in space. We try to keep our existence a secret to Populated Space for fear that the Mantis will hunt the rest of us down.”Valesz says “We need to get to the party, you can come back tomorrow and visit. After we depart from the station.”Alkippe says “We would enjoy your company very much you are welcome here any time, but I must ask that you tell no one about us.”I respond “Well that door is closed and as far as I am concerned it will stay that way.”Sigrun and Alkippe say “Thank you. Now go enjoy your party.”I respond “I will be back tomorrow. I promise”Katherine says “He will, you can bet on that.” Valesz, Lakia, Katherine, and myself all laugh as we exit the cargo hold. The doors close and Valesz stops to press a few buttons on the door control pad, then we all head to Zot's.As we get to Zot's Valesz stops just before the door and says “Since this is a closed party there is no reason that we can't all be comfortable,” and she begins removing the dress that she is wearing. Katherine and Lakia follow suit. they look at me and say “Well?”I respond “I was just enjoying the view before I take my clothes off.” Lakia walks around behind me puts her arms around my bare chest and picks me up then Valesz and Katherine quickly strip the rest of my clothes off.Valesz says “There that's better now we get to enjoy the view too.” she begins eyeing me up and down and says “Nice, I like you much better this way.” She turns and walks into Zot's and the rest of us follow.As we enter Zot's everyone starts throwing confetti and streamers at us. Valesz looks around Zot's “I hear her say “Good they are sitting together.”She turns to me and says “There are two more for you to meet then you will know the whole crew, we are walking towards a table with a Beautiful Gold dragoness and a foxy fox.Valesz says “Paul I would like you to meet Tiamat.” the gold dragoness, she looks to be close to Adelind's age, just as perky and curvy. “and Mikko” This slender female fox with her bright red fur and white underbelly and oh that fluffy tail. Both Tiamat and Mikko stand up and greet me with a hug.Mikko says “We have been waiting to meet you Paul, we have heard some interesting stories about you.”I respond “I hope they were all good one's”Tiamat says “ Oh yes very good. The way that you helped Lakia when that freak attacked the three of you.”I respond “I guess word spreads fast on a ship with friends as close on as everyone is on this ship”Valesz says “Of course, I told you that we are one big happy family.”I respond “I am very happy to be a part of this happy family.”Lakia says “Who's up for some equine whiskey?”Katherine “I am”Valesz “Me too.”I respond “Just one for me I have to work first thing in the morning, if I'm going to have dad's ship running at better than 4xl tomorrow I need to get some sleep tonight.”Valesz says “Who ever said that you were going get any sleep any way.” with that toothy grin of hers, “And by the way, I wouldn't suggest that you let him hear you say that”I respond “What that I am going to fix his ship in the morning?”Valesz responds “The dad part. He don't even like me to call him dad. I think he has an issue with aging.”I reply “Some how I don't think that is it. He carries himself to proudly and he is still a very magnificent dragon.”Lakia finally gets the waitress's attention and its Hot-lips, she walks over to get our order she looks at me and says “Damn, ladies if I would have known about good he looks naked sooner you wouldn't have had a chance.” She sits in my lap and say what will everyone have?Valesz goes first “Equine whiskey”Lakia next “Equine whiskey as well, but I think Paul would like to have an order of you from what I can see.”My cock has grown, she kept swishing her tail across my cock teasing me with it. She stands and says “Oh, did I do that? I will have to take care of that condition but first I need to go get these drinks.”I respond “two more equine whiskey's please.” Hot-lips walks over to the bar and starts pouring the drinks. Valesz says you want some of that don't you?” I respond “ I have wanted that for several months now.” Valesz replies “There's nothing stopping you, it's okay you can fuck her if you wish, besides this maybe your last chance to fuck her for a long time.”Capt. Nidhug walks up “ I say come sit with us Dad.”He responds “Okay, son I think I will.”Valesz looks at me with a very puzzled look on her face, and glances at her father, then back at me.He says “How is it you won the heard of my daughter so quickly?”I respond “ By doing things like I just did... like calling you dad, after she told me that it wouldn't be a good idea”He responds “Normally she would have been right but in this case you seem to have proven yourself worthy from what I hear, you have made quite a name for yourself in the last few days.”I respond “It is all because of your daughter she has opened my eyes to the universe around me, she has taken a diamond in the rough and polished it into a perfect diamond.” “Don't get me wrong I'm not perfect but in the last few days my life has taken quite a turn for the better, and I intend on keeping it in this direction.”He responds “After tomorrow I think I will be able to tell you if you will be able to keep your life going in the right direction. I want to see how you handle yourself at work, that will tell me if you can.”I respond “Very well then I will do my best to get your ship up to speed.”He replies “If you will excuse me I have a briefing to attend.” he gets up gives Valesz a quick kiss and turns and shakes my hand. And says” I will see both of you on my ship at 08:00”Valesz quickly responds “ 08:00 sharp”Valesz looks at me and says “How it the hell did you know that he wouldn't knock you on your ass when you called him dad?” I respond “To be quite honest I didn't, that one was more of a hunch than knowing. I guessed that he didn't like you calling him dad because it was on a ship that perhaps he was in command. For you to call him dad would show a little favoritism and that gets disrespect. From his point of view anyway, and you can bet your sweet ass that I won't call him that on his ship.”Valesz says “I never thought of it that way, I always thought that he did not like to show his feelings.”I reply “Valesz your father loves you very much or he would not have come out of his way to be with you during the happiest moments of your life. Hell he just showed you how much he loves you by kissing you in this public place.”Valesz says “I need to talk to my father tomorrow I have so much I need to tell him.”I respond “Why don't you invite him to your ship for breakfast? we can make those steak's you enjoy so much then when I leave to go work on his engines you will have plenty of alone time with him. On your ship”She replies “But he wants to watch you work. On his ship.” I reply “No he don't, he wants to get me alone and talk with me to get to know me better maybe to do a little prying, but its okay I know it's coming and I can deal with that. At least I think I can.”Hot-lips walks back over carrying our drinks. She sets the platter down on the table and again sits in my lap passing out the drinks from her seated position and of course she is flicking her tail across my cock again making me grow harder with each flick of her tail. It don't take long for my cock to become rock hard.I politely ask Hot-lips “Will you stand up for just a second I need to re-position I'm a bit uncomfortable.” She stands slightly, just enough for me to scoot forward in my chair slightly. Then I say “You can sit back down now thank you.” I hold my cock forward slightly and this time she puts her butt back against me and sits slowly gently guiding my cock into her hot wet pussy.I reach for my drink and take a sip and say “Oh that's nice” Hot-lips responds “Me or the drink?”I say “Both!!!”She begins grinding her hips into mine and says “Your right it is nice isn't it.” as she continues her grinding. I glance around at everyone around us and no one seems to be paying any attention to this little fact. Well almost everyone.Squeaky comes over to the table and says to Hot-lips “Would you mind if I join?” she slides the drinks out of the way and he hops his little butt onto the table and in no time she has his cock out and licking it teasing the tip with her tongue. He almost instantly begins chattering she reaches up takes hold if his cock and begins stroking him while sucking and licking on the tip. She continues to grind her hips into me working that pussy on my hard cock , I can feel her pussy clenching down on my cock, I grab her by the hips and begin thrusting my self into her.She starts swishing her tail across my chest. It tickles and feels good at the same time. Squeaky begins chattering again he leans back throws his head back and starts squirting his love juice down Hot-lips throat try as she might to swallow it all she can't he is cumming so hard and fast she can't keep up. He keeps pumping his juice all over Hot-lips face. It starts to puddle on the table between Squeaky's legs.Roxy walks over and says “Let me help you with that Hot-lips.” and she engulfs Squeaky's cock in a quick motion sending the tip of his cock down her throat. He begins chattering again and collapses on the table. While Hot-lips begins to try and lick herself clean, Katherine and Lakia begin licking her face and all the areas she can't reach. I stand and push the chair from under me with my legs, still buried deep in Hot-lipsValesz gets up and begins kissing me sending her tongue down my throat this time I am ready for it and accept it quite readily, I hadn't noticed that she had dipped her tail into Lakia's hot wet pussy, and Lakia was doing the same for Katherine I reach down and begin teasing Valesz by brushing a finger over her clit. I glance up and notice that there is a pipe about three meters above the floor with some decorations hanging from it. It could easily hold even Jalad's weight. Valesz See's what I am looking and and realizes what I am thinking I reach down grab her by the waist and she jumps grabbing the pipe and wraps her legs around my head pulling my face straight into her sweet pussy.I don't waste any time I begin licking and probing her hot pussy with my tongue she quickly wraps her wet tail behind me and thrust it into my ass. I moan and thrust hard into Hot-lips, she moans and her pussy clamps down hard on my cock and she begins to scream in pleasure as her nectar runs down my cock and drips onto the floor she collapses, laying down on top of Squeaky.Then Xanthos and Ogrifina walk up and ask if they may join in.Valesz responds in between moans “ yeeesssss … jj join in” I don't say a word just raise a hand with a thumb up and quickly resume squeezing Valesz's tight ass. Ogrifina steps in front of me. I can barely see her, but I can see that she has her tail raised , so I lean forward a bit inviting her to back herself onto me, while Xanthos notices just how much tail Valesz has in me. Xanthos sees that she has a good 36 cm in me and about 6.5 cm in diameter. Xanthos politely touches Valesz's tail inviting her to move it for him. she complies then he positions himself behind me and gently guides himself into me. I stop licking Valesz for a moment.I ask Ogrifina “Would you mind if Valesz lays on her back for a while?”She quickly responds “Not as long as you keep fucking me.”Valesz releases the pipe and I help gently lay her down gently on Ogrifina's back. Now I'm slightly bent over Ogrifina's butt. Licking away at Valesz and getting fucked by Xanthos. Good thing he is gentile. Valesz curls her tail between Ogrifina and myself I lean back slightly to give her the room she wants and she quickly finds her mark and she thrust her tail deep into Ogrifina's ass. Ogrifina neighs loudly and instantly begins winking and squirting her lube all over me it seems to be coming out by the quarts. She is clamping her pussy so hard on my cock she is pushing me out most of the way and pushing me harder onto Xanthos hard cock and this seems to be driving him crazy he begins pounding harder and harder, still being careful not to hurt me but still very stimulating. Ogrifina neighs loudly again. Valesz squeezes her pussy hard on my tongue she arches her back and begins her orgasm. I lap up every drop as her pussy offers it to me. Ogrifina neighs again but this time when she winks she pulls me into her, flexing her pussy around my cock feeling her squirt her love juices all over me sends me over the edge I begin thrusting myself as deep as I can go into this wonderful female exploding deep inside of her while her mate is doing the same to me, I can feel his seed running down my legs in droves. I collapse on top of Ogrifina and just as I begin to catch my breath Xanthos collapses on top of me. We are all now a large pile of sweaty satisfied flesh.From what I can see looks like we did it again most everyone else has already collapsed on the tables and floor from exhaustion. Well so much for getting drunk, but I think this was much more fun.I say “Okay Xanthos, Big Boy I can't hold you up all night and I don't think that Ogrifina wants to hold everyone else up either.Xanthos sighs and says “All right I'll move.” He gets up and I let out a sigh of relief as does Ogrifina.I help Valesz down off of Ogrifina's back and she lets out another sigh of relief and says “Oh that was so much fun we will have to do that again soon.I respond “We will, I'm sure of that.”Valesz says “Let's head back to the ship and get cleaned up and get some sleep we all have a busy day tomorrow.”I look at Xanthos and ask him if I can get his assistance in the morning with moving the engine core on captain Nidhug's ship.”He responds “Anyone that can fuck his mate like that and not bust a nut the first time she winks can't be all bad, yes I will help you.”I say “Meet me at the port at 07:45.” I reach over and wake Squeaky “Hey, time to get up and go to your quarters.”He opens his eyes and says “Okay Boss no problem.”I say “Meet me and Xanthos at the port at 07:45.”He responds “Sure thing (squeak, squeak)” and he heads out the door.Valesz and I gather up Lakia and Katherine and we all head for the ship. On the way there I ask “Where do you want to sleep tonight?”Valesz responds “We can sleep in your room, we will pass right by the showers by the pool so we can all get cleaned up and go to bed. I need to call captain Nidhug and invite him like you suggested, before it gets to late.”I respond there is a viso screen in the port office we can make a quick stop there if you like.”She responds “That will do nicely.” … We finally get to my room and crawl into bed all snuggled against each other and drift off to a very peaceful sleep...Editted by Admin Unic0rn69 | ||
Homes10049 Member Post ID: 3254 Posted: 03-31-2024 19:37 PM |
great story so far | ||
Homes10049 Member Post ID: 3255 Posted: 04-03-2024 21:54 PM |
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Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3258 Posted: 04-10-2024 18:07 PM |
Chapter 11
The chime wakes us from our blissful slumber. I look at the clock its 06:00 then I look at Valesz I gently touch her face she wakes up with a smile on her face. I say “Morning my love”She leans toward me wraps her arms around me and gives me a deep passionate kiss and responds “Morning my love”Katherine and Lakia are still sleeping I say “Let's get up and have breakfast ready when they wake up.”We slide out of bed carefully trying not to disturb Lakia and Katherine. I say “If you will get the vegetables ready I will go to the galley and get the meat ready.”She responds “Works for me.”I ask “Has your father ever eaten eggs before?” she replies “I don't know, but I don't think so.”On my way out the door I grab six eggs and some bacon. I say “We will have a treat for him this morning.”When I arrive at the Galley there is no one here. I grab three steaks two large and one small. The small steak is about 1 kg. I set the steaks aside then get a medium bowl crack the eggs and begin mixing them, after that's done I toss the 6 slices of bacon in a skillet turn the heat on to get the bacon cooking first. then a pour the eggs into another skillet and put them on the heat. Flip the bacon and start seasoning the steaks now that the bacon and eggs are just about done, it's time to cook the steak. I drop mine in first wait a few moments and then toss the other two steaks in I flip the steaks wait only a few seconds and pull the two large steaks out while mine continues to cook for a little bit longer. I pull my steak and take the food and head back to my quarters.When I arrive the door opens and I enter Katherine and Lakia are just waking up. Captain Nidhug is already here. He asks “So what is this special meal that you have prepared for us?”I respond , seared steak, scrambled eggs, and bacon for the carnivores and a salad for the vegetarians.He responds “ You cooked my steak?” Valesz chimes in “You will love it dad you have to try it.”He glares at Valesz for a second then finally agrees “Okay, I will try it. Only because you say it's good.”I continue getting the food placed for everyone to eat. Katherine and Lakia sit in the chairs leaving the spot on the sofa next to Valesz open. Before I sit, I say “Good morning Katherine and Lakia and give each of them a kiss.”Then I walk to my spot and take my seat. I watch as Nidhug takes his first bite and his eyes roll back in his head all he can manage is “MMMMMMmmmmmm” He swallows then says “Never in my 200 years have I tasted a steak this good.” Then he turns to Valesz and says be careful or I may steal this one away from you.”She laughs, then replies “Where would you take him your ship isn't as fast as mine now. He responds “Good point, but after today we will see.”I say since I don't have as much time to work on your engines today as I had to work on this ship I don't know if I can get 5xl my goal to day is 4.2xl. He responds “that's only point 5xl faster than I can go now.” I reply “I was referring to cruising speed not max. speed”Nidhug grabs a piece of bacon and pops it into his mouth and says “This meat is kind of salty, reminds me of last night with ….. oh never mind”I respond “Had in interesting Debriefing huh” he replies “Something like that.”Valesz says “Can we change the subject.”I quickly respond “ I'm sorry yes we can change the subject.”She says “Thank you.”I say “After I am done working on the engines later we can take her for a little spin around the block”Nidhug looks at me with a puzzled look on his face. I say “I'm sorry an old earth phrase. We will take the ship out for a quick test run and back.”He replies That sounds good.”Lakia says “How about a little dip in the pool this morning before we begin our day”I look at the clock its only 07:00 I say “Sure we have time before I'm suppose to meet Xanthos and Squeaky”Lakia looks at Katherine and says “Are you coming? It will be fun.”Katherine agrees “Sure let's go.” The three of us get up and head towards the pool.On the way there Katherine ask “Why are we going to the pool this early?”I respond “Remember last night Valesz said that she wanted to talk to her father.”She replies “Oh yes I remember now.” Lakia says “How about a few reps. before we hit the pool.”I respond “After last night I'm doing good just to make it to the pool.” They laugh.Katherine says “Ya Xanthos was hitting you pretty hard there at the end, he was buried all the way to his ring.”I respond “He WHAT!!! no way he had that much in.”Lakia responds “Yup and he was thrusting pretty hard there too”Katherine says “I don't think I want anything that big in me, it almost looked painful.”I respond “I didn't feel any real pain. It must have been all that tail I had had in me over the last few days, preparing me for something like that.” Lakia says “Looked like you were enjoying yourself.”I reply “I was, I never knew that a mare could control their pussy like that.”Lakia ask “How was it any different than being with any one of us?”I respond “Well she can literally open her pussy at will and she can push me almost all the way out or pull me all the way in with her pussy. Oh don't get me wrong. I love the three of you and I will stand by you through thick and thin. but I have to say that was the most interesting sex I have had yet.”Lakia responds “I'm glad that you enjoyed it, since they will be on the ship for quite a while perhaps you will get to experience that again.”I respond “Perhaps but what we share I hope will last for a lifetime.”We arrive at the pool room walking in side by side we all dive in and hit the water at the same time. We come up scattered around the pool. Lakia swims toward me and then dives underwater she takes hold of my waist and quickly wraps her mouth over my limp cock and begins to suck on it. Instantly I become hard and moan in pleasure. She comes up out of the water and quickly wraps her legs around my waist and lowers herself down onto my shaft I feel her hot wet pussy sliding down my hard pole then as she picks herself up the cool water rushes in to cool my shaft intensifying the feelings as she slides back down her pussy feels even hotter than the stroke before. She wraps her tail around me.Lakia says “Maybe Ogrifina can control her pussy but can she do this.” I feel her probing for my hole and she quickly finds her mark and she easily slides in. I shudder as she enters me. I stammer out “ n n NO.”Katherine swims over and says “Save some for me.”Katherine reaches down into the water and begins playing with my balls squeezing them gently in her hand she begins sucking on Lakia's luscious tit. Seeing this turns me on even more I lean forward slightly and begin sucking on her other tit making her moan in pleasure. She begins working herself up and down on my shaft then I can feel her pussy squeezing down on my cock. She throws her head back holding on to my shoulders locks her legs around me pulling me deep into her and thrust her tail into me as she begins to scream my name “OH PAUL!!! YES! YES!” I can feel her cumming as her hot love juices escape into the cool water. She goes totally limp and begins to float on the top of the waterKatherine gives her a gentile push to move her out of the way and she takes Lakia's place riding my cock. She reaches down takes hold of my cock jumps up a bit in the water and wraps her legs around my waist as she guides my cock into her hot pussy she begins working herself up and down on my cock .I begin biting her neck gently then she pulls away and swims off saying “Catch me if you can.” She is swimming towards the shallow section of the pool she gets to where the water is only about 1 meter deep, she grabs the side of the pool and says “Come and get it stud” while pointing her cute little butt at me.I swim right at her underwater I grab her legs and stick my face right into her snatch and begin licking it viciously, probing her pussy with my tongue then I stop and blow bubbles just below her hot pussy and she begins to squirm with the tickling sensation of the bubbles. I come up out of the water stand behind her and guide my cock back into her she moans in pleasure. I begin thrusting myself into her I begin picking up speed and pushing harder and harder. She begins to moan loudly and her pussy clamps down on my cock as she has her first orgasm. I watch as her sweet love juices come oozing out of her lusciously wet pussy and kind of float in the water around us.As her orgasm subsides she turns and says “Now that you have satisfied me that way how about some deer tail” understanding what she wanted I pulled back and guided my cock to her ass I push but she was quite tight there.She says “It's okay push harder I want you in me there.” I push again and I finally get the head in she moans loudly and begins to cum instantly, squirting her love juices into the water with such a force I can feel it against my balls. I push again and go a little deeper and she pushes back forcing me all the way in she cums again this time right against my balls this with feeling of her tight ass sends me over the edge I make one quick hard thrust into her and begin releasing my seed into her. As we both moan in ecstasy.I lay forward onto her back I grab hold of the edge of the pool just outside her hands holding us together with me still inside of her we both just kind of float there on the side of the pool while we regain our strength.Lakia swims over to Katherine and me. She says “Looked like you enjoyed that?” both me and Katherine respond in unison “Yes we did.”I say “Damn I need to go. I don't want to be late Squeaky and Xanthos will be waiting for me in a few minutes”Katherine says “Lakia and I need to get to the bridge ourselves.”We all get out of the pool and I grab some towels and hand Lakia and Katherine theirs.while we are drying off Lakia walks over to a control pad she presses a few buttons and a red light in the ceiling comes on the pool starts draining. By the time that we are done drying off the pool is empty. As we are putting our towels in the reclamation unit I hear the water rushing back into the pool I notice the light has turned yellow as well. Lakia says “Wouldn't want to go for a swim and get a face full of cum or something would we?”I respond “Nope. Before we go our separate ways for today how about we all meet at Zot's for lunch before we depart say 12:30 since we don't have any scheduled stops before we get to the dragon home world.Katherine responds “We do have one stop scheduled but we might not stop since it will only take us nine days to make our delivery, and a nice get together lunch sounds nice.”She wraps her arms around me and gives me a loving goodbye kiss. As we part Lakia is quick to move in and give me a kiss however this one is more intense she begins probing my mouth with her tongue pulling me tight against her body we finally break the kiss I say “I love you, both of you”“Oh Katherine will you please invite Valesz and her father to lunch.”She replies “I was planning on it.” as I watch them walk away towards the bridge both of them walking with that sway. (you know the one, that teasing hip swing that turns heads) I turn and head for the engine room to get my tools.I quickly arrive at the engine room. I grab the top case that contains the tools that I will need then I grab the case that contains the anti-gravity units and head towards the port. As I approach the port I see that Xanthos and Squeaky are there waiting for me.Xanthos says “Right on time” Squeaky says “Let me carry one of those for you.” I hand him the case with the Anti-gravity units, and say “thank you” We head for captain Nidhug's ship.I ask Xanthos “What is your knowledge of engineering?”he responds “Actually very little, I have only been in a engine room a couple of times.”Then he ask “Why did you ask me to help you. Since you had no idea of my experience in engineering?”I reply “To be honest I ask for your help for your bruit strength, if we have to move the engine core I will need your muscles.”He says “ I thought that you enjoyed my muscles more than you let on last night.” We all laugh.I reply “Since we are on the subject I was told that you had quite a bit in me, since you had the best view I was wondering if you could verify that you were buried all the way to your ring?”Xanthos responds “Actually yes. I saw just how much tail the Captain had in you and knew that you could handle me. I never would have thought that a creature as small as yourself could have handled me as easily as you did last night and I was quite impressed with your control with my mate for that matter so was she.”I reply “She was impressed by me?” Xanthos responds “Yes, we have both done a little research on human mating, and we found that the average human male will last about 10-15 minutes and have a penis about thirteen centimeters. And from what I could tell your considerably larger than that.”I reply “I'm happy that I could bring pleasure to both of you. Oh and by the way you are the first male to have mated with me.” Xanthos responds “In that case I'm even more impressed. Perhaps we can do it again some time.” Just as we arrive at the ship I reply “Perhaps.”Captain Nidhug is standing at port waiting for us.Captain Nidhug says “Right on time. Welcome to my ship the Lamri.”I respond “Thank you captain, permission to come aboard?”He responds “Permission granted.” I say “Captain I will need computer access to complete my work he responds very well I will have my communications officer have your access copied from the Kameer to my ship as well.” I respond “ Thank you, that will do nicely.”Nidhug says “Let's go to the engine room so you can get started.”On the way to the engine room captain Nidhug stops at a computer console and calls to the bridge where he ask his communications officer to have the access copied to his ship. Then we continue on our way to the engine room.I ask Nidhug “What exactly does your ship do at what speeds?”He responds “When we get her up to 3xl she has a slight vibration and by the time we get her to 3.7xl it is a little more severe.”I respond “ hmm that's almost exactly what the Kameer did”He ask “Can you get her fixed?”I respond “Does a dragon have a tail?”He turns and looks at his tail and ask “Yes, but what does my tail have to do with the engines” I reply “Nothing, sorry just another earth expression, I will have these engines running smoothly before lunch.”He responds “That's not possible. There is no way you can make the repairs before lunch.” I reply “Tell you what if I have the repairs done before lunch you buy lunch at Zot's. If I don't I will buy lunch”He replies “Your on. But I need to warn you I can eat a lot of steak.”I respond “That's okay I already have guest coming for lunch.” I say “If I may be so bold to ask, you said this morning something about 200 years, how long do dragons typically live?”He responds “About 500 years, but few have been recorded to live to 700 years of age.”Then he ask “How long do humans live?” I respond “Typically 70 a few make it to 100”He says “Only 100 perhaps we can do something to change that.”I respond “How can you change that”He replies “We have been doing some genetic research over the last few hundred years we have finally gotten to the final testing stage, it has been tested on a few other species like Roo for instance they have a very similar life span as yourself but on the dragon home world Vivus we have a Roo that is nearly 200 years old and looks like she is her mid 40's in Roo years.”I respond “That is defiantly something that I will want to think about.”He responds “ I understand.”I say “You understand what?”He replies “That you care for Valesz very much and that you would hate to make her a widow at such a young age for her that is, you have to consider weather you want to keep her happy longer or live your life naturally.”We arrive at the engine room. There we meet a beautiful Red dragoness.Nidhug says “This is my engineer her name is Chusi. Chusi I would like you to meet.Chusi interrupts “Paul Curtis, welcome to the engine room.” and she offers her hand to me and I gently press my lips to the back of her hand.She smiles at me and says “You honor me. I reply “The honor is mine.”Nidhug says “Keep that up and you will be buying my lunch for sure.”I respond “Okay lets get to work. Squeaky do you remember what I had you do on the Kameer?”Squeaky responds “Sure do boss (squeak squeak)” I say “Then you know what I want you to do.”He responds “I'm on it boss (squeak squeak)”I say “Computer what is the engine status?” the computer responds “The engine is operating at 79.5% efficiency.”I say “Only slightly better than the Kameer when I started working on her.” I set my tool case down and Squeaky sets the other case right next to the one I just set down. I open the case and pull out the Quantum spanner and hand it to Squeaky, and he heads straight to work I pull out two of the anti-gravity units.I ask Xanthos “Would you mind getting the other two anti-gravity units and lock them to the back of the engine core?”Meanwhile I set the first two at the front of the engine leaving them stick out about 2 cm, I walk back to the tool case and pull out a laser torch and the optical scanner. I proceed to take the ship measurements. I find center of the ship and make a score in the floor just like I did on the Kameer. Then I take the optical scanner and start measuring the engine core and make a score on its casing just above the floor.Chusi ask “What are you doing?” I reply “I'm going to center the engine core to the ship, if the core is not dead center the field will be misaligned and can cause the ship to shake.” Now that I have my marks I take the anti-gravity units and place them at the score marks and take another measurement. The optical scanner reads “7.2254862”“Damn that's less than a millimeter difference than the Kameer was.” I say “Chusi would you get the status of the inertial dampeners please, I will bet that the starboard dampener on the bridge is burnt out..”Chusi says “Computer what is the status of the inertial dampeners?”The computer responds “ 7 of 8 of the inertial dampeners are functioning within specifications”I say “You need to ask the computer for the diagrams of the dampeners and to show you each condition.”She says “okay” then she says “Computer show me a diagram of the inertial dampeners and their status” I notice that she is looking intently at the viso screen.Then Chusi looks at me and says “How did you know that dampener would be burnt out.”I reply “I will answer later for now can you make sure that dampener gets replaced.She responds “I will get a crew on it right now.” She turns back to the viso screen and calls to the bridge and says “ I need two engineering crew members down here” then I hear a response “They are on their way” In just a few minutes two male dragons enter the engine room. She commands them to begin repairs on the dampener on the bridge.They move quickly to get the new unit before they leave the engine room I say to them “I will send Squeaky up to the bridge shortly to help with the dampener, he is small enough to get a couple of connectors that you won't be able to reach.” they respond “Very well” and exit the engine room with the dampener.I ask Squeaky “How are you doing back there Squeaky?”He responds “Almost half done.” When you Finnish the array that you are on will you go to the bridge and change the plugs like you did for me.He responds “Sure thing boss (squeak squeak)”I say “We are about ready to move the core.” I say “Chusi will you release the mag-locks on the core while I set these two anti-gravity units on the front of the core.”She responds “I'm on it”I say to Xanthos “Will you turn on the anti-gravity units on that side of the engine on, so we can get them to sync”He responds “Okay they are on.”I say “Okay now is when I really need you Xanthos” He walks around to my side of the engine and gets behind me and says “ are you ready?” I ask “Ready for what?”He grabs my hips and I say “Whoa big boy!” I need you to help move the core, I wasn't referring to sexually.”He laughs and says “ I know I was only teasing.”Chusi laughs and says “You couldn't take him any way he is to big for you, hell I'm a female and I couldn't take him”I respond “Tell you what, if I can take him will you take him?” Chusi says “Your on, I know there is no way your going to take him in you. So I don't have to worry about it.”I respond “let's get this engine finished then we will see, but before you take him I will let you take me that will at least make it a bit easier for you.” I reach down and turn on the last anti-gravity unit. The units start beeping. I say when the units have a constant beep they are in sync and we can move the core” ...beep beep beep BEEEEEEEP on 3 1..2..3 we push the core it slides much easier than the core on the Kameer.I look at the marks “Damn we over shot by a good centimeter. How about this time I let you push it by yourself.”Xanthos responds “No problem I hardly put any effort into the last push.” Xanthos walks around the core to the other side.I say any time your ready he pushes the core. It slidesI say “Just a little bit more “ he pushes again and the core stops with the marks directly in line.I say “Perfect, thank you Xanthos.”I say “Squeaky should be walking through that door, right” …. just then Squeaky walks in. and I finish my sentence “ NOW”Chusi asks “How did you know exactly when he was going to be here?” I reply “There is one thing that I can count on Squeaky for and that's punctuality”Squeaky says “Yup he won a bet on me because of it and Katherine learned not to bet against Paul.”Chusi says and why not bet against Paul?”Squeaky replies “he never looses” she responds “Oh shit.” Squeaky “You didn't bet him did you?”She quickly replies “Yes, Xanthos walked up behind Paul and acted like he was going to fuck him, I said that there is no way that Paul was going to be able to take Xanthos.” Squeaky says “You have already lost they have already umm well mated.”Chusi looks at me and says “You know if you wanted me all you would have had to do was ask , I already find you attractive, both of you. Though I am a little concerned if I can handle as much cock as I suspect you have Xanthos.”Squeaky goes back to work on the injectors. I follow him. I whisper to Squeaky “Something is making me feel uneasy about captain Nidhug. Will you leave the last two arrays three microns out of alignment. Just in case there is any trouble that will slow his ship down just a little,and besides I told him that I would get his ship to 4.2xl”Squeaky says “Whatever you want boss.”I respond “Thank you.” and I walk back to where Chusi and Xanthos are, and do I get a surprise. Xanthos is just getting ready to make his first thrust in to Chusi. While she is leaning over a table. He pushes and pop the head goes in she screams in pleasure and covers the head of his cock in her sweet juices. He pulls back out and pushes right back in and she screams again. I watch intently while he works his massive cock into the tight little dragoness. It don't take long until he is all the way in to his ring.Watching this gets my own blood flowing and my cock quickly begins to grow. I walk around the table and kneel in front of Chusi I put my hands on each side of her beautiful face and look deep into her golden dragon eyes as I draw nearer to her and I begin kissing her passionately probing her mouth with my tongue she quickly returns the kiss sending her tongue down my throat. I gently break the kiss. I stand up and place my hard cock before her and she sends out her long snake like tongue wrapping it around my shaft. She pulls her tongue back into her mouth and me with it. Now engulfing my stiff member she begins working her mouth over my cock constantly massaging my cock with her tongue like a snake constricting its victim.Xanthos pounding harder into her now thrusting his massive member deep into her tight wet pussy she begins to moan again sending waves of pleasure throughout my body she is having another massive orgasm Xanthos feels this too and is now slamming into her as deep as he can go. She squeezes her tongue tightly around my cock and this feeling of tightness sends me over the edge and I begin spewing my hot cum down her waiting throat she's swallowing every last drop. She continues licking my hard cock making it throb and twitch while she licks the last few drops as they ooze from my member. While Xanthos gives her one final thrust he begins filling her tight wet pussy with his seed. She is so full with his massive cock it has no where to go so it sprays out between his cock and the tight walls of her pussy. Leaving a large puddle on the floor between her feet. Xanthos collapses laying down on Chusi's back and I drop to my knees on the floor in front of Chusi she reaches to me and takes hold of my face while she is pulling me towards her she says that was wonderful, Both of you and she begins kissing me again, probing my mouth with her long tongue. She finally breaks the kiss and releases me I fall back to the floor sitting just below Chusi.Then captain Nidhug walks in and says “I see that you have made yourselves comfortable.”I respond “Yes sir, Squeaky should be done momentarily” Nidhug responds “But its only 10:00 I didn't expect you to be done for at least another hour. And you still found time to mate with my engineer, Impressive.”Squeaky comes walking from around the corner. He says “All done sir. squeak squeak”I get up off the floor and say “Computer what is the engine status?” the computer responds “the engine is running at 98.1% efficiency.”I say “That's an18.6 % increase.” Nidhug says “I'm thoroughly impressed now” I respond “Your absolute max speed is 4.98xl, you should be able to cruise at 4.5xl but I would recommend a slightly lower speed of 4.3xl because these engines have been run pretty hard and it will save you a lot of maintenance time. Nidhug says “I guess I will owe you that lunch after all. Let's go to the bridge and give the engines a workout.”I agree “ Let's see what she can do, but do you mind if we get a quick shower first ”Nidhug responds “ I will see you on the bridge in say 10 minutes. And by the way I wanted to inform you that the crew is done replacing the inertial dampener on the bridge.”I reply “In 10 minutes, and thank you” The captain turns and exits the engine room. We head for the nearest shower room with Chusi leading the way me right behind her. I can't help but watch her tail swinging from side to side and her cute little butt.I say “Nice tail you got there”She responds “Thank you, nice cock you have.”I reply “Thank you.”We quickly arrive at the shower room and we all enter and turn on the showers. I say “ Xanthos and Squeaky you don't have to go to the bridge, if you would like you can return to the Kameer.Squeaky says “Thank you squeak squeak”Xanthos says “Are you sure you want to be left here alone?”I respond “Thank you for your concern, but I will be fine. I think that captain Nidhug still has a little something up his sleeve but I think I can handle myself. I have a couple of aces up my sleeve too”Xanthos responds “Sleeve you are not even wearing a shirt , what sleeve?”I reply “Sorry another earth expression, it simply means that I have a couple of tricks of my own.”Xanthos says “Interesting terminology.”As Squeaky begins to dry off I tell him “When you see Valesz please tell her that if we are not back in say 20 minutes to come looking for us.”Squeaky responds “Will do boss, and I will take your tools back for you as well. Squeak squeak.”I respond “Thank you Squeaky,” and they head back to the engine room to get the tools. Then Chusi turns to me wraps her arms around my neck and begins kissing me again. Sending her tongue down my throat.Then she breaks the kiss and says “You just taste so sweet I had to do it again, it may be a very long time before I get the chance again.”Then I wrap my arms around her and return the kiss with a very deep passionate kiss, entangling our tongues together. I pull her body close to mine holding her tightly. Then we break the embrace and I say “A little more to remember me by”She says “We need to get to the bridge, we don't want to be late.”I respond “No we don't.” We grab our towels and quickly dry off toss them in the reclamation unit and head towards the bridge.We arrive at the bridge the door opens and we both enter. Nidhug says “Right on time, helm set a course out. Communications inform the station that we will be un-docking for a short period.”They both respond “Aye captain.” and each preform their jobs perfectly. Nidhug says “After we have cleared the station set speed to 4.5xl then increase slowly to 4.9xl”The helmsman says “Speed 2.5xl..3.0xl..3.5xl..4.0xl..4.5xl.. increasing rate 4.6xl..4.7xl..4.8xl..4.9”Nidhug says “Slow to 3.5xl and bring us about and dock at the station.”Then he turns to me and says “ Will you join me in the briefing room?” I agree and follow him. After we have entered the room he says “Computer seal the door level 8”The computer responds “ Door sealed level 8”Nidhug looks at me and says “I have a question that you must answer.”I respond “If I can.”He says “I know that the Kameer has a sealed cargo hold, it is not uncommon for a dragon vessel to have a secret cargo, but I need to know what her cargo is. What is she carrying in that hold?”I respond “I can't answer that question Sir.” he steps toward me and ask again “WHAT IS SHE CARRYING?”I again respond “I can not answer that question SIR.”He draws his hand back and strikes me sending me flying back into the wall, he then take a claw and grabs my throat and says “If you do not tell me I will kill you.”I respond “Kill me if you must but I will not answer that question. My loyalty is to my ship and her crew.”He responds “ Had you answered that question I would have had to kill you. I'm glad that you did not. I am sorry for putting you through that but I had to know for myself just how loyal you were.”I ask “Why is my loyalty in such regard” he responds “For the moment I have a cargo of my own that I would like to transfer to Valesz's ship and I had to be sure that you could be trusted because I will be depending on you to take care of my cargo as well as you have taken care of my ship.”I respond “May I ask what this cargo is?” he responds “No we never talk about a secret cargo, but I will show you. Come with me.”He says “Computer release door seal” the computer responds “Door is open” We exit the briefing room.He says “ helm all stop” then he turns to his first officer and says “You have the bridge, maintain current position.”We exit the bridge. Heading towards the cargo hold area. Nidhug says to me “I owe you a great debt. Valesz told me how you opened her eyes towards how I felt about her, and the reasons that I acted the way I do around her.”I ask “Is this another test?”He responds “No just a dragon to man talk, my son.” and he places his arm over my shoulders as we walk down the corridor. He says “ Valesz and me haven't talked like that in many years, I am glad that I can do so again, and it is all because of you.”I reply “What did I do?” he responds “You have shown her that she can be happy again and still be in control of her life, until you came along all she had was her ship, but now she has found happiness again. That is why I owe you a great debt.”I respond “You owe me nothing Sir, in fact if you hadn't raised her like you did I may never have met her. so it is I that owes you.” he says “We are almost there, you are about to take on an honor that no human has seen in thousands of years.” we arrive at a cargo hold and Nidhug presses a few buttons on the pad and the door opens revealing a beautiful pair of unicorn, andI exclaim “UNICORN, I thought that they were a myth “( I couldn't let Nidhug know that I have already seen a pair of them) then I say “They can't be real” Nidhug says “They are real all right.” The stallion walks up to me.Nidhug says “This is Celer”I offer my hand to Celer, he takes it and says “It's a pleasure to meet you, your all Nidhug could talk about all night last night, and since your here I guess you passed his test.”I respond “I guess I did, and the pleasure is all mine” Celer steps back and the mare steps forward.Nidhug says “and this is “Dinos, Celer's mate.” She offers her hand to me I step in and give her a hug, and whisper very quietly into her ear “ Have I got a surprise for you two.” l lean back slightly and give her a kiss on the cheek. Nidhug ask “ Do you think that you can talk to Valesz into taking on these passengers.” I respond “Yes I can but I think I would rather make it a surprise for her.” Nidhug responds “She has never been one for surprises”I reply “On the contrary I have found that she loves a good surprise, and what could be better than taking on such a beautiful and unique pair of creatures.”Nidhug says now all we have to do is to call her and get her out here so we can get them aboard the Kameer. I respond no we don't she will be here in about ten minutes. I need to get to a computer console.” Nidhug responds there is one just down the corridor.”I quickly exit the room with Nidhug right behind me, I get to the computer and say “Computer create a audio link with the Kameer.”The computer responds “link established”I say “Katherine can you hear me?” Katherine responds “Yes.”I say “I need you to setup a link to the briefing room and have the captain talk to me in there please.”She responds “Consider it done.”I say “Computer activate video mode.” a few seconds later the screen lights up showing Valesz. I say “ Kameer computer seal briefing room door level 7 authorization Alpha Gama Omega 1101 green.” The computer responds “ door sealed level 7” Valesz says “Damn it will you quit surprising me with the computer controls. Now what the hell is all this about? and why are you sitting adrift in space ”I respond “I don't want to talk to much about it but I need you to dock with the Lamri we are taking on More Cargo... I wouldn't have done this if I didn't think that you would approve. I need the decks cleared and a path to the cargo area clear.”She responds “Very well but I will expect an explanation when you get back on this ship.” I will give you one right now “I can say that they are not deformed. Trust me.”She responds “Very well then I will have the decks cleared and I will meet you at the port. We will dock in 5 minutes. Valesz out ”Nidhug says “You do have a way with my daughter don't you. How the hell she understood half of what you said is beyond me. It was so cryptic.”I respond “We have a trust and understanding about each other.”Nidhug says “She definitely made a good choice by mating with you, such love, devotion and loyalty, most only have one of those quality's in abundance but you seem to have all three.”I say “Now before we move the cargo I recommend that you clear the decks.” I step back from the computer.Nidhug steps to the computer and says “Computer ship wide com.”The computer responds “com open.” Nidhug says “This is your captain speaking I want all personnel to report to the bridge immediately.” Nidhug says “by the time we get back to the hold it will be all clear.”I respond “We need to move quickly.” We hurry back to the cargo hold. Nidhug opens the doors, and we enter. Nidhug says to the unicorn “It is all arranged gather your personal belongings and lets go to the port.”The unicorns begin rapidly gathering their things in just a couple of minutes Celer says “We are ready lets go.”On the way to the port I ask “Why are we taking you to the Kameer anyhow?”Celer replies “To be honest we are hoping that on the Kameer it will be a little different Nidhug tells us that there are many different species on the Kameer and this ship is mostly dragon. We are hoping for some variety of conversation and different things to do.”I respond “I can say this I promise that you will enjoy being on the Kameer especially if what you want is variety.” Nidhug says here we are, now all we have to do is wait.” Then we hear the sound of metal hitting metal, then a release of gases and the door opens. Valesz has a look of surprise on her face.Nidhug says “You never even knew that we had unicorn on board did you.”She replies “No I didn't, but we must hurry.” She gives her father a big hug and then turns and says “Let's go everyone.” then Nidhug steps toward me gives me a hug and says “Now you take good care of that cargo and my daughter”I respond “I will you can count on me.” He says “Now go !!!” just before the door closesI hear him say “See you back at the station”Valesz rushes us to the cargo hold. And just before she opens the door , I say “Hold on for just a second”Valesz says “ why?”I look to Dinos and say “Remember when I kissed you on the cheek and told you that I had a surprise for you.” she responds “Yes?”I say “You are about to get that surprise.” Then I look to Valesz and say “Okay open it.” Valesz presses the last button and the door opens. The unicorn have a total look of amazement on their faces all four of them. Then Celer and Dinos drop there belongings and run into the room and begin hugging the other unicorn.I look to Valesz and say “ I guess they know each other.” I drag there belongings into the room and tell them that we will be back later to check in on them. Dinos runs over to me and picks me up and gives me a big kiss, and says “Thank you , you do know how to surprise a female don't you.”Valesz says “He sure does.” Dinos sets me back down.I say “We will be back in a little while.” Valesz and I exit the room and Valesz seals the door.We head for the bridge when we get there the door opens and Valesz says “We have taken on more cargo that is going back to Vivus with us. This is a closed door topic. Now everyone as you were before this all started.”Everyone started scattering the bridge was emptied very quickly except for her needed crew. Valesz says “helm take us back to the station.” then she looks to Lakia and says “Lakia when we get back to the station I want you and Katherine to go get 600kg of vegetables, oh and get 2 cases of that...She looks at me and says “What did you call what you put on the salad?”I reply “vinaigrette.”then Valesz continues “ vinaigrette and a case of seasoning for the meat and have it delivered to our food stasis unit.” Lakia responds “Aye Captain” then Valesz says “just as soon as that is on board we will head for home”I look to Valesz and say “Will we still have time for our lunch at Zot's?, It may be a while before you get to see captain Nidhug again.She agrees “Lakia instead of coming back to the ship meet us at Zot's they know where to deliver the food to.” they get the ship docked Valesz says “if you have any business that needs to be done on the station you have one hour.”The three of us head to our quarters to get some clothes. After I get to my quarters and get my clothes on I stop by the engine room hoping to find Squeaky, and sure enough he is thereI ask Squeaky Would you mind going back to the Lamri and tweak the last 2 arrays to spec.” he responds “No problem squeak squeak”I say “Make sure your back here in one hour we will be heading for Vivus then.”I turn and head for the port. There Valesz is waiting for me. I say “I hope you weren't waiting long.”She responds “No I just got here myself.” I reply “Shall we and I take her hand and we walk to Zot's. Just as we get to Zot's we see captain Nidhug walking in. After we walk in . %3 | ||
Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3259 Posted: 04-10-2024 18:27 PM |
She responds “No I just got here myself.” I reply “Shall we and I take her hand and we walk to Zot's. Just as we get to Zot's we see captain Nidhug walking in. After we walk in .I say “Been waiting long?” Valesz looks at me with a puzzled look on her face.Nidhug Says “Yes I have been waiting all morning, and we laugh. Then we walk over to a table and sit down. Roxy walks over and says “May I take your order as she sits in my lap.I respond “Yes Roxy you may , but I am sorry I don't have time to play today we are leaving in an hour and this is our final lunch here for a while. She says “I'm going to miss having you around.”I reply “I will miss you too. We will have two dragon steaks and one for me, all seasoned the way I like please, and the dragon steaks very lightly seared and you know how I want mine and three salads all with vinaigrette please.” and what would everyone like to drinkValesz says “Just water for me.”Nidhug says “Water here too”I reply “Well looks like its going to be five waters. Roxy says “I will return with your drinks and the food will be out shortly.” and she walks away she promptly returns with the five waters she sets them on the table and then says “I will be right back with your food.”Lakia and Katherine walk up to the table and sit down.Lakia says to Valesz “The shopkeeper said that the delivery would be made in about 30 minutes.”Valesz says “Thank you that will do nicely.” Nidhug says to Valesz “You made a fine choice for a mate . A rare one he is.”Valesz says “I agree that's why I chose to mate with him.” and she reaches over the table and takes my hand.I smile at her, and say “I am the lucky one not only did I find one love but three. I intend to be with all three until the day I die.”Nidhug says speaking of dieing.” Then he looks to Valesz and says “I told him about the DNA experiment, so he knows he now has that option if he chooses.” then Roxy comes back carrying the salads she says “I will be right back with the steaks.”Then I say “That is something that we all need to discuss together as one family because this is not a choice I'm making for just myself but for all four of us.”Valesz responds “You truly are in love with all of us aren't you.”I respond “Yes or I would not have said yes to all three. Let me tell you what I see in all three of you and what I believe that you see in me. “Valesz you see me as an equal very respectful yet yielding, Lakia you see me as another warrior willing to do what it takes, and Katherine you see me more as your guide you look up to me. Now on the other hand Valesz I see you as an equal someone that I can depend on to be there when I need. Lakia in you I see the warrior that when needed would stand side by side with me in hand to hand combat, and Katherine you I see you as the innocent little doe but I know that underneath you are willing to do anything I ask of you at any moment you get your most pleasure from pleasing others.Individually we have our weakness's but together we are a force to be reckoned with. As a family there is no goal that we can't reach.”.Nidhug reaches over and places his claw on my shoulder and says son with a speech like that as long as you mean it there is no one that can stop you. I am proud to call you son.”I look over and all three of my mates are wiping a tears from their eyes. Then I look over and see Roxy wiping her eyes too.Nidhug says “Time to eat we have light years to traverse. Speaking of traversing light years. I sent Squeaky back to tweak your engines a little lets just say that we passed each others test.” and we all finish our meals and say our goodbye's then we head for our prospective ships. As we reach our port there is Squeaky crawling up the ramp.I look at him and say “You didn't.” he shook his head, I say I will help you back to the engine room I knew that you couldn't handle their engineer she used that tongue of hers didn't she?” again he shakes his head.I say your not going to be worth a shit for two days now.” He just smiles.I look to Valesz and the others and say “I will be on the bridge in a few minutes I'm going to get Squeaky to the engine room and let him take a nap there.” I finally get squeaky to the engine room lay him on the table and say “sleep well my friend.”I exit the engine room and make a bee line for the bridge. I get there just in time to see the Lamri go to light speed. Then Valesz says 4.5xl . I look out the window and the stars become lines of light ….....
End Chapter 11Editted by Admin Unic0rn69 | ||
Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3306 Posted: 04-28-2024 17:52 PM |
Chapter 12
As the ship reaches 4.5xl and everyone begins to settle in.I look to Valesz and say “lets find out how the engines are running.”She responds “The engines are your responsibility.”I say “Computer what is the full engine status?”The computer responds “Engines running at 98.7% efficiency, the core temperature is 527° Celsius.”I say “Computer display engine temperature at 2xl for the last 3 weeks.”The computer displays a graph on the viso screen showing that the engines have been running at 727° C at 2xl.I look to Valesz and say “Let's see what these engines can do.”Valesz responds “Helm take us to 5xl and increase speed slowly.”I say “Computer monitor engine core temperature when the core reaches 725° C alert the bridge”The computer responds “Monitoring engine core.”Helm responds now at 5xl. Increasing to 5.1xl …. increasing to 5.2xl … increasing to 5.3xl ….increasing to 5.4xlI say “Captain if you please hold at 5.5”She responds helm “Set speed to 5.5xl”Helm responds “Now at 5.5xl.”I say “Computer what is the engine temperature”The computer responds “Engine core temperature at 700° C and holding”I say “Excellent, if we keep cruising at this speed we will arrive in about 7 days 6 hours and 30 minutes. Give or take a few minutes.”Valesz responds , “You have shaved another day and ½ off our journey. How much more can you get out of these engines?”I respond “This is it for the duration of the trip, after we dock again , I might be able to get another .5 but that would be pushing it. Even when I can get a chance to get the engines to 100% I would recommend cruising at 5.5 any how.”Valesz says “True enough we don't want to over extend the engines any more that we have to.”I say “We should contact captain Nidhug and inform him of these specs and maybe cut a few days off of his journey.”Valesz says “Katherine send a communication to the Lamri” Katherine replies “Aye captain.”A moment later the viso screen lights up showing captain Nidhug.Nidhug says “Is everything all right?”Valesz responds “Yes everything is perfect here.” Then Valesz ask “What is your cruising speed”Nidhug Responds “4.9xl, why do you ask?”Valesz replies “Is your engineer on the bridge?”Nidhug responds “No but I can get her here.”Valesz starts to talk, but I interrupt “If I may, I can do it from here. That is if captain Nidhug hasn't removed my access yet.”Nidhug responds “No I haven't removed your access. Proceed.”I respond “Thank you. Lamri computer what is the full engine status?” the Lamri computer responds “The engine is running at 98.7% efficiency, the core temperature is 657 Celsius.” Then I say “ Lamri computer monitor the engine temperature, alert the bridge when the core reaches 725° Celsius, enable permanent warning alert”Then I say”Captain Nidhug would you please take her to 5.5xl” Nidhug says “helm 5.5xl” helm responds “Aye captain”.... helm reports “ now at 5.5xl sir” I say “Lamri computer what is the core temperature?” the computer responds 700° Celsius”I say “That is your cruising speed I wouldn't recommend pushing her past 5.7 unless you absolutely have to and only then in short burst.”Nidhug responds “Thank you that should take about 2-3 days off of our journey.” then he says to Valesz “You have one hell of an engineer there”She responds “Yes I think so too. Safe journey's”Nidhug responds “Safe journey's, Nidhug out.” and the screen goes blank.Valesz says “Nice work , but now that's all done, I believe that you made a promise to go check on the new cargo.”I respond “Yes I did.”Valesz says “Katherine Paul might need some help with the cargo would you accompany him?”Katherine responds “Yes Captain.”We exit the bridge together. After the door closes behind us, I look to Katherine and say “Before we go to the cargo hold I would like to stop by the engine room and check on Squeaky.”She replies “What is wrong with squeaky?”I reply “Let's just say that the Lamri's engineer Chusi got a hold of him.”She says “What do you mean?”I say “Remember the night that you, Valesz and Lakia all had fun with me, and how I was after the fact?”She replies “Yes I remember it quite well, the three of us left you a happy blithering idiot.”I say “She kinda did that to Squeaky only he literally was left a Happy Blithering Idiot. Thats why he was crawling onto the ship just before we took off.”She says “In that case lets go check on Squeaky.”We arrive at the engine room, and find that Squeaky is still asleep on the table, I nudge him and say “Okay sleepy, time to get up.”He stirs and finally sits up.I say “Looks like Chusi rocked your world. Do you feel better now that you have had a little nap.”He responds “Yup and yup squeak squeak.”I say “Now that you are feeling better, I would like you to run a basic diagnostic on all engine systems. That should take about 4 hours.”He replies “I will get right on it, squeak squeak”I say “Take your time no need to rush. I will want a report in the morning.”He responds “Yes chief”I say “Have a good night Squeaky. Katherine and I will be busy for the rest of the evening.”Squeaky responds “See you in the morning. squeak squeak”Katherine and I exit the engine room and head for the cargo hold. When we arrive there Katherine opens the door and all the Unicorns are sitting around a table chopping lettuce and other vegetables.Sigrun says “Come in Paul and Katherine have a seat. We were just talking about how nice it was to have other unicorns around.”Alkippe says “We owe you a great debt for bringing our friends on board”I reply “From what I understand they simply wanted a change of scenery I didn't have that much to do with them coming here.”Celer says “From what I hear it was your loyalty and respect that got us on this ship, otherwise who knows where we would have ended up.”Dinos says “Perhaps a Roo ship or another all dragon ship, and then we would have been in the same situation as before. But now we have friends from several different places not to mention friends of our own species.”I respond “I'm glad that I could help.”Sigrun says “You wanted to know about our history and how we came to the situation that we are in.”I reply “Yes I am very interested.”He responds “It was about 550 years ago. That the Mantis attacked our home world. The reason that they attacked us is simply that they wanted to attain the one power that unicorns have over all other species. Teleportation now we can only teleport once a day and not very far. The furthest I have teleported is about 2 km. The Mantis tried and tried to figure out how we did it, but after years of trying they decided to give up. Since they couldn't figure it out they decided to wipe us out so that no one else could try to find out how we do it.”I respond “That is so horrible. did your parents teach you this history?”Celer responds “No Paul we were there, Sigrun and my self were working on.... well lets just say a science project.”I respond “Okay I won't ask about that although you do have me curious about it. Okay now I know that neither of you even look like your even close to 500, if I may how long does your species live”Alkippe responds “I don't like to talk about my age but since it is you Paul I am currently about 1800 earth years old and well I expect to go about another 3200, if that answers your question.”I reply “So your saying that you live 5000 years.”Alkippe replies “Give or take a century or two.”Celer says “Dinos and my self are a little older then Sigrun and Alkippe in fact we were on one of the ships sent to investigate earth almost 2000 years ago. At that time we deemed that the humans were still to primitive to contact.”I respond “All the myths that I have heard about unicorns all my life were literally about you.”Celer responds “Yes, unicorns were not the only ones on that expedition, there were also a few dragons that went with us, in fact Valesz's Great Great Great grandfather Astarot Unridoor was on the expedition as well. That reminds me. There was one time that a small group of humans had managed to get a lot closer to us that we expected and I had to transport myself and Astarot away from the humans or there would have been a bloody battle that the humans would have lost. In fact that is kind of how we ended up on Nidhug's ship, we were in a very remote out post and heard that a captain Unridoor was to be coming there and I arranged a meeting with the captain and since I knew his great great grandfather he took us on board.”Sigrun interrupts “Now that is funny in a weird sort of way I remember you telling me of that expedition and that's how we ended up on Valesz's ship, and now that expedition has brought us all together 2000 years later.”Celer continues “Kind of funny how things like that work from time to time. But back to earth on that expedition Astarot and myself were placed on what is now called the north American continent the ship was scheduled to return for us in two weeks. We had stumbled upon a young human female that had fallen into a ravine, and broke her leg. We couldn't just leave her there so I climbed down and teleported her back to the top of the ravine, there we mended her leg. She was so grateful that she stayed with us for the rest of our mission. Well needless to say that she was willing to service both Astarot and myself several times. But no need to go into great detail there you get the idea.”I say “Hang on just a second. while you were on earth you mated with a human female, not to long ago I was ask if I had any Equine in me, and now your telling me that it just might be possible well in this case it wouldn't be Equine but Unicorn instead. I have to check this out. Katherine do you know where a med kit is? I need to get some DNA samples, if you don't mind that is?”Celer responds “ I don't mind but the chances are so remote I really doubt that it is possible, but it never hurts to check.”Katherine goes to the other side of the room and opens a panel and pulls out a med kit and brings it back she pulls out a small device and says “Hold out your hand.” I comply and I feel the tiniest of pricks felt more like a mosquito bite. The tiny vial shows a single drop of blood, Then she puts a new vial into the device and ask Celer to hold out his hand, he complies and again the vial shows a single drop of blood. Katherine says “I will take this to the doctor and have him run the DNA analysis. I will be back in a few minutes.I respond “Wait a minute, there is one more sample that we need to get.”She respond “Who's”I reply “Valesz”She says “Are you sure you want to know that answer?”I respond “Have a seat and let me think about that one for a minute.”She places the vials in the case with the rest of the med kit, and has a seat. We all sit in silence for a moment then I finally respond “Yes I want to know, even of it is a positive test the relationship is so distant it don't matter it may only be one step for Celer and 5 for Valesz but it has been 400 generation's for me.”She says very well I will go get the captain and have her go with me to the infirmary.”I reply “Thank you my love.” and I give her a kiss before she leaves.Celer says “What are you going to do if you find that I am your great great great great... grandfather?”I respond “Like I said the relationship don't matter since it is so distant for me however, if you are my great x400th grandfather then I guess I will be the first human alive that has gotten the chance to meet such a relative and I would be quite honored , and it would explain the reason that I am more comfortable around other species rather than my own.”Celer says “It shouldn't take the doctor long at all to make that determination once he has all the DNA samples I would say about 5 minutes.”The door opens and Valesz comes in she graciously bows before Celer Valesz says “It is an honor to have your lord on my ship.”Celer reaches down and says “Thank you my child but there is no need for that anymore, that was a long time ago and there are not enough unicorns to need a leader.”I say “What am I missing, what is going on.”Valesz responds “This is Celer the lord of the unicorn, and if what Katherine told me is true that would make you even more special”I reply “Because I might have unicorn blood coursing through my veins?”She replies “No Paul because you have royalty, Unicorn royalty blood.”Celer says “As far as I am concerned there is no more royalty, there is no more unicorn world.”Valesz responds “Even if there are only 20 unicorn left in the universe you don't think that they need a leader. Look at this ship there are 21 inhabitants on this ship do you not think that they need a leader?”Celer responds “You're right Valesz.”I say “I realize that this is not a battle ship but we will have to see if we can do something about the Mantis problem. I will need time to think about it and then I'm sure that something like this would need to be run through the dragon counsel in person.”Valesz says “Yes anything like that would have to be addressed by the counsel”I say “Would it be possible for me to gain access to some military info on the Mantis?”She responds “What kind of information.”I reply “Any tactical info I can get would be helpful, it doesn't have to be real up to date for what I am thinking, I primarily need a rough count on ships and troops and ships weaponry.”Valesz responds “I think I can get you that, but it is going to take a couple of days.”I respond “That will be fine, this isn't something that gets done in a week anyhow but if what I am thinking can work it wont take but a matter of hours maybe even less”I look to Celer and ask “Are you familiar with their tactical status from back then? I want to compare their technologies from then to now.”Celer responds “Yes I remember the details of some of their tactical abilities from then”I respond “Good when we get the new information then we will start building a plan to take care of this problem once and for all. The Mantis will no longer be the pirates of the galaxy.”Valesz says “Okay lets go see Doc and find out if we have a family reunion to celebrate.I turn to the unicorns and say “We will be back very soon.”We exit the cargo hold. Valesz turns and locks the door.Then she says to me “When I can get you back to the bridge I am going to give you full access to the ship.”I look to her and say “I'm not questioning what you are doing but why this access change?”she responds “Quite simply you continue to surprise me, and that alone is a rare gift, but you have shown so much loyalty love and respect to everyone on this ship, and I don't say this very often but, I trust you with my life. Besides since you are going to be spending so much time with the unicorns you will need the access. I can't keep sending Katherine with you to open the door.”We both laugh. When we get to the infirmary Katherine is waiting there for us.Katherine says “Doc has been waiting for your sample Captain”Doc says “Just as soon as I can get your sample I will run the test. It will only take a few minutes”. Valesz holds out her hand, and doc takes the sample that he needs. then places all three samples in the analysis tray and slides in into the computer console.The computer beeps a few times then says “Match found, continuing test.....match found... test complete two matches found.” The computer displays all three DNA samples. Highlighting the matched sequence's.I look to Valesz and say “Does Doc know?”She responds “Not until now but he is about to find out.”Doc says “Find out what?”Valesz says “Go ahead Paul tell him. It is your discovery after all.”I respond “Very well. Doc I will try and keep this brief. I am the great 400th grandson of the lord of the unicorn and of Valesz's great great great great great grandfather.”Doc queries “How could you be the unicorn have been gone for a very long time, your planet has just entered the alliance only a short time ago.”I say “Doc you just proved it. One of the samples came directly from the lord of the unicorn. I watched Katherine take the sample myself.”He responds “You mean that the lord of the unicorn is on this very ship right now?”Valesz responds “Yes he is and Paul is his 400th great grandson.”I say “I have one question doc, how is it that one woman can get pregnant from more than one male?”Doc replies “I'm not totally sure about human conception but with many species even if the female is already pregnant the male seed can still add some of its DNA to the embryo. In the case of humans I didn't think it would be possible that they could conceive from another race but I guess your proof that they can. Then this case is quite special the woman may have already been pregnant then the the other two males simply added their DNA to the embryo.”I say “What about now will Valesz, Katherine, and Lakia and myself be able to Mate?”Doc says “I need to do some research and further test., Katherine since you are here may I take a sample from you?”Katherine replies “Yes but why do you need a sample from me Doc?”He responds “Since you are his mate I may as well run some compatibility test too. Valesz can I get Lakia down here too?”Valesz responds “Just as soon as I get back to the bridge I will send her to you.”Attor responds “Thank you.”Valesz says “Okay everyone back to the bridge. We all have things to do there.”Katherine and myself both say in unison “Aye Captain.” and we leave the infirmary and head down the corridor towards the bridge.When we arrive at the bridge Katherine takes her post and Valesz stands in front of her chair and invites me to stand next to her. I cross the bridge and take my place on her left side.She says “I need everyone's attention for a moment. What I am about to do may upset a few of you but I will try to explain as best I can that this is very essential Paul has decided to take on a monumental task and will need Maximum clearance to do his job. Now we can not go into details of this task due to the high security needs. Now before I continue are there any issues that need to be addressed?”Everyone says “No.”Valesz continues “Very well then, computer access level change Mr. Paul Curtis level 10”The computer responds “Authorization required.”Valesz replies “Authorization Alpha Dragon Black”Computer “Authorization accepted. Mr. Paul Curtis will you please enter your authorization code to verify?”I respond “Authorization Alpha Gama Omega 1011 green”The computer responds “Mr Paul Curtis now has level 10 access.”I say “Thank you captain, if you wish I will accompany Lakia down to the infirmary.”Lakia responds “I'm not injured or sick.” Valesz responds “Attor wants to run a couple of test and needs a sample from you. I'm sure that Paul will explain more on the way there.”We exit the bridge and head for the infirmary, I explain that the doc wants to run a simple compatibility test to see just how compatible we might be for inter-species mating.Lakia says “I'm not quite ready to settle down and start a family.”I respond “Thats okay neither am I but we do need to know if we will even have that option later. If we are not then you might want to take another mate later just for that purpose.”She replies “I understand. So what got all these test started in the first place?”I reply “Oh you don't know yet do you?” I know that you remember when we took on some cargo from Nidhug's ship. Well that cargo just happens to be another pair of unicorn, It turns out that the stallion just happened to be on earth about 2000 years ago and well he is my 400th generation grandfather, not only that he is the leader or lord if you wish of the unicorn.”Lakia says “You're pulling my leg right, this is some kind of joke isn't it?”I say “ Lakia I love you and I would not joke about something like this. My 400th generation grandfather is in the cargo hold with the others.”She responds “You're not kidding are you.”I respond “No my love I am not, everything I have said is true and already proven. You can ask Attor if you wish.”She says “That will not be necessary I believe you, you have never given me reason to doubt you.”We have arrived at the infirmary as we enter Attor says “I have been waiting for you Paul the other two test are done, would you like the results now or do you want to wait for to have Valesz and Katherine here?”I reply “I will wait this does concern them.”He says “Very well then I will continue with this test. Lakia may I please have your hand.”Lakia offers Doc her hand and he presses the device against her hand and draws the single drop of blood. Then removes the vial and places it in the computer as before.The computer beeps a few times and then responds “Test positive.”Lakia ask “What does positive mean doc?” doc replies “When your ready you will be able to bear young.”She looks at me with a tear in her eye and wraps her arms around me tightly and says “Do you know how much I love you?”I reply “Yes I do and you know that I love you to.”doc says “There are more test that I want to run if you will excuse me for a minute.” doc goes into the office and ask the computer to send messages to Squeaky , Jalad and Mikko to report to him ASAP. Just as Doc comes back out of the office Squeaky walks in.I say “Squeaky you haven't been using the reclamation unit again have you?”He responds “No boss I was just down the hall.”I respond “Okay.”Squeaky says “What do you need me for Doc?”Doc responds “ I just need a small sample to do some species compatibility test”I say “Doc while you are running the rest of your test Lakia and I have a few things to do will you have the computer call us when your done?”Attor responds “Sure thing”I say “Come on Lakia I think it's time you see.”We exit the infirmary and head towards the cargo hold. When we get there Lakia presses a few buttons on the control pad and the door opens.I say “I really need to learn the sequence to do that.”Lakia responds “I will show you when we leave.”We enter the room with me leading the way and Celer stands first , I walk up to him and give him a hug he returns the hug.I say “hello grandpa”He says “Thats nice but call me by my name please I'm still to young to be called grandpa.” every one laughs.Then Lakia says “We don't have a lot of time we are waiting for Doc to call us back.”Sigrun ask “Why is he calling you back isn't the test done?”I respond “Yes the DNA has been confirmed but Doc seems to think that more testing needs to be done. He gave us the results from Lakia's and myself compatibility test. He is running other test on other members of the crew I'm not sure why at the moment but I know that I will find out soon enough.”Alkippe ask “What were the results from the compatibility test between you and Lakia?”Lakia responds “When we are ready we will be able to conceive.” and then she gives a big smile.Alkippe walks over to her and they hug Alkippe says “ I'm so happy for you.”Then we hear over the communications Mr. Paul Curtis will you please report to the infirmary. I say “We will be back later.” We say our good bye's and exit the cargo hold.Lakia turns and locks the door. We head to the infirmary. When we get there Doc is waiting for us. Doc says “Paul can I see you in my office for a minute.”I respond “Sure Doc.”We walk into the office Doc says “I have made a most profound discovery, and it is inevitable that it will change inter-species relationships in the very near future, first of you seem to be the first species that is compatible with just about every other species. Due to the DNA that your 400th generation grandmother conceived. Due to my calculations given several variables against births and untimely deaths in the last 2000 years there could be as many as 64 million with the same DNA strands as yourself now I did these numbers with the population just before the earth's last world war. I know that it was a short war but it did a lot of damage to the population so there may only be a few like you left. I wanted to talk to you before I contact earth and have them start doing a search for these DNA strands.”I respond “Doc I would like for you to wait at least a few weeks perhaps a couple of months to do that I can not tell you any details at the moment. But I am about to start something very big and will affect our quadrant of the galaxy in a profound way and if information like that got out right now that just might affect my plans. And besides it may have taken the DNA skew 400 years to develop into what it is today I may still be the only one that is compatible with the other species. Can I see your work on the population numbers and what year was the work done on?” Doc says “I will be glad to have you look at the numbers. Computer display earth population.” the computer displays “ Earth population as of 08-28-2009 20:07 GMT 6,780,576,760” I say computer what is the north American population before the 3rd world war?” computer responds “528,720,588 as of July 2008”, “computer what is the current Earth population?” computer responds 5,625,576,725”Doc says “Thats more then a 10% drop in the total population.”I say “The only way to get an accurate count on people with this DNA skew is to do a world wide test. Right now that is publicity that I can't afford with what I'm about to do. With those kinds of numbers I'm guessing that your 64,000 is probably more like 6,400 but we will have to wait to find out.”Doc responds “There are a few other species that I would like to test, can I run those test until you have completed your task?”I respond “Yes but try and keep it quiet just make it seem like routine test if you would.”Doc replies “I can do that.”I say “Now that we have that settled for now lets go talk to Valesz and Katherine , I'm sure that they are waiting for us to give them the good news.” Doc and I exit the office and meet Lakia on the way out.She says “well ?”I say “So far its all good news, we are going to the bridge to talk to Valesz and Katherine now.”She responds “What are we waiting for? Lets go.”We all exit the infirmary, on the way there I ask Attor “What did you think of our new crew member Ogrifina?”He responds “She is very skilled and her physique is top notch she seems to be in perfect health.”Lakia says “I don't know doc maybe you need to make a house call and give her another physical.”Doc replies “You know I just might have to do that now that you mention it she did seem to be a little flush after the reception.”I say “You might need some one to help you I think Jalad would make a good nurse in that case.”Doc responds “You know I think your right. I will have to see about eliciting his help.” as we approach the bridge the door opens and we walk onto the bridge.I say to Valesz “Can you and Katherine join us in the briefing room?”She says “Talzon you have the bridge.”Talzon replies “Aye captain.”Valesz and Katherine both stand up and follow us to the briefing room. The door closes behind them.Valesz says “Computer seal the door level 7”The computer responds “Door sealed level 7”Attor says “Captain you will be pleased to know that when you are ready to conceive with Paul you will be able to, as for you Katherine... While a big smile creeps across Valesz's face a look of worry appears on Katherine's face. Then Attor continues “You will also be able to conceive.”Valesz and Katherine embrace me in a big hug.Attor continues again “I have further test to run but so far Paul is quite unique, with the DNA skew that has been instilled in him he is compatible with every species on this ship and perhaps every species that we know of.”Valesz says “Is there something else doc? You look concerned.”Attor responds “Yes in a way I am. We could be looking at the end of populated space as we know it and looking at a totally new species development. As it is now most of the species are incompatible but with this one change that could change very quickly and by quickly I mean over the next millennium. In evolution terms that is excessively fast.”I say “This has been a very eventful week for me, I have gone from being unemployed and almost broke, on the verge of being sent back to earth, to chief engineer, got mated to 3 beautiful females saved three lives including my own, saved two unicorns from boredom and now here I am the dawn of a new era. Whats next domination of all of populated space... oh damn that's right that was my plan”Doc responds “Your joking right” I reply “Yes doc I am joking. To a degree I'm not planning on domination but more to the fact of unification but you may not tell anyone and I mean ANYONE!.”Attor replies “I under stand now why you don't want any publicity on this subject now, if the Mantis were to hear that there was even a trace of unicorn DNA they would try to wipe it out and that would put earth and your plans in jeopardy.”I respond “That is correct Doc”Valesz says “I was able to get the information that you wanted, I thought that it would take me a few days but just a few months ago my contact had compiled much of what you needed. The file is encrypted for your eyes only in the computer file name PC0001, only you will have access to it with your authorization code.”I respond “so this information is new intelligence?”Valesz responds “Yes.”I reply “Perfect then we should be able to devise a plan and execute it fairly soon.”Valesz says “ Sounds like we need to get to Vivus as quickly as we can”I respond “Yes, remember those modifications I was talking about taking a day to do. I think that if I get Squeaky, Zipper and myself on it, I can squeeze it down to 2 hours that includes ½ hour for engine cool down time while the engines are cooling I can adjust my quantum spanners down to 1 micron. That will take most of the half hour then about 1 hour to readjust the injectors …. hmmm I need to talk to zipper”I say “Computer open communications to the engine room.”The computer responds “Communications open.”“Zipper respond please.”Zipper responds “Yes.”I ask “Do we have enough magnetic constrictors to attach one to each injector on the engine?”He responds “Let me get a count ….. yes we do sir, with 3 spares.”I reply “Thank you Zipper, Paul out”Valesz says “What have you got planned for my ship?”I respond “well I have been thinking about this for the last few days. I know that by reducing the alignment of the injectors I can get the engines closer to 100% but I'm not sure if this will work but by adding the magnetic constrictors to the injectors I can compress the plasma stream going into the engine and increase the engine efficiency by another 50-75% it will be a bit risky but this is important and we need to get there ASAP.Valesz responds “I agree, begin your preparations. We should be passing by an asteroid field soon. I will have Snowy set us down on one of them so that we are not just adrift in space while you make your modifications.”I respond “Is there anyone else on the ship that has some knowledge of a working engine?” Valesz responds “yes, Talzon though it is not his strong area he can do basic work on an ION drive engine.”I respond that will be just fine.”Valesz says “Okay everyone back to your post. We all know whats going to happen over the next few hours and we have a job to do.”Everyone says “Aye Captain”Valesz says “Computer unlock briefing room door.” and the door opens and everyone files out. Once back on the bridgeValesz says “Snowy we should be coming to an asteroid field soon I want you to set down on one and shut the engines down.”Snowy responds “Aye Captain”Valesz says “Talzon after we set down I would like for you to assist Paul in the engine room.”Talzon responds. “Aye Captain”I exit the bridge and head for the engine room. When I get there Zipper and Squeaky have already got the magnetic out and laid by the injectors.I say “Very efficient work you two.”I walk over to my tool chest and pull out the quantum spanners then I grab a polarized magnetometer and hand it to Zipper and say “Will you test each of the magnetic constrictors? They need to be in perfect working order, if you find one that has any defect set it aside and we will deal with it later.”Zipper responds “What are we doing with these constrictors?”I respond “Time is very crucial right now please get to work. I will answer your question while we work.”Zipper promptly begins testing the first constrictor. I say “Thank you. while I am adjusting these quantum spanners I will answer. Squeaky after I am done with each one I want you to double check that each is set to a maximum of one micron.”Squeaky responds “You got it boss squeak squeak.”I say “Now to answer your question Zipper. We are going to install the magnetic constrictors onto the injectors to compress the plasma as it enters the engine to increase the engine efficiency.”Zipper ask “How much more do you expect to get from this modification?”I reply “I'm hoping for about 50-75%” I pause a moment then I say “If it works that is.”We hear over the com. Valesz saying “We are about to land brace for impact.”Then we hear Snowy “ touch down in 5..4..3..1..” She sets the ship down with a very gentile landing only a slight vibration can be felt from the impact. Then we hear the engines begin to shut down the sound of the constant humming slowly coming to a halt.I say “Our real work begins in about thirty minutes the engines will still be quite warm so when we do get started be very careful and make sure that the injectors are depressurized before beginning work on them I wouldn't want any one to get any plasma burns.”Zipper responds “No, I wouldn't either Doc has a hard time healing those and they usually leave nasty scars.”Talzon walks in and says “What can I do to help?”I respond “Please Help Zipper test the constrictors for now, after we get started I am going to have you help install them on the injectors after we have realigned the injectors.”He responds “Zipper how many constrictors have you tested so far?”Zipper responds “ I'm on the second one “ Talzon says “instead of you moving to each constrictor I will get them to you it will go a little quicker that way.”Zipper responds “Sounds good to me.”I say “This one is adjusted to point five microns. If I can get the other two to match that will be perfect.”I hand the spanner to Squeaky to check and he begins going through the settings and making sure that it is at point five microns. For those that are wondering how thick a micron is a piece of paper is about 76.2 - 101.6 microns.Squeaky says “Point five microns.” and gently sets that spanner down in its case.I continue working on the spanner I have in my hands at the moment, in just a few minutes. I say “There point five microns.” and hand that spanner to Squeaky.I say “How are the constrictors coming?”Zipper says “Almost half way done.”I respond “Good job keep it up.”About seven minutes later I hand Squeaky the last spanner and say “While you are checking this spanner I am going to write a small subroutine so the computer can control and monitor the constrictors that should only take me about fifteen minutes. When you are done with that spanner would you get started on adjusting the injectors. I will help you just as soon as I'm finished with the subroutine”Squeaky responds. “Sure thing boss. Squeak squeak” I go over to the computer console and begin my work. I say “Computer program mode.”computer responds “Enter program”array a1 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array b1;array a2 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array b2;array a3 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array b3;array a4 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array b4;array a5 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array b5;array a6 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array b6;array b1 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array a1;array b2 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array a2;array b3 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array a3;array b4 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array a4;array b5 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array a5;array b6 voltage variable 0-100% in increments of 10% if any injectors fail then terminate opposite injector in array a6;monitor magnetic compression in array a1-a6 and b1-b6 if any fail slow to 4.5xl and alert bridgemonitor engine temperature if the temperature > 725 C then reduce speed by 20% and alert bridgeadd compression command to the helm console and to the engine console;if the plasma temperature is > 34000 C disengage magnetic constrictors; end program.%3 | ||
Unic0rn69 Administrator ![]() Post ID: 3307 Posted: 04-28-2024 18:05 PM |
Computer responds “Program saved”I say “Computer test array program for any anomalies.”Computer responds “Testing …. Program tested negative for anomalies.”I look at Squeaky and say “How are you doing with the injectors squeaky?”“Done with array a1-a6 starting array b1 squeak squeak”I respond “Then I will start on array b6”I ask “How is the constrictor installation coming?”Talzon replies “Almost done on the A array's we will be on the B arrays in just a few minutes.”I respond “Good it wont take Squeaky and me long to complete the B arrays.”A few minutes later I say “Okay B6 and B5 are done.”Squeaky says “B1, 2, 3 and 4 finished. squeak squeak”I say “Okay squeaky grab that constrictor and lets help them finish installing them.”Talzon says “Only one more left to install.” As Zipper grabs the last one me and Squeaky step out of the way. They finish with the last magnetic constrictor.I say “Computer begin engine startup sequence.”Computer responds “Sequence will take twelve minutes to complete.”I say “Computer open a com to the bridge.”Computer responds “Com open”I say “Captain the modifications are complete the startup sequence is started we will be able to take off in about fifteen minutes.”Valesz responds “Nice work two hours just like you said.”I respond “Even if the magnetic constrictors don't work we should be able to cruise at 5.7 and if they work as I am hoping we could reach 7xl, but this is only in theory. By the way Snowy a very nice landing you did.”Snowy responds “Thank you.”Valesz “When we take off we will keep an open com until the engines are proven.”I respond “Agreed, since I have a few minutes I have something to go check on I will return to the engine room in about 7 minutes”Valesz responds “Don't take to long you don't want to miss your new engines firing up”I reply “I will be here in time I promise”I exit the engine room and head for the cargo hold, when I get there … damn it Lakia never showed me the sequence … I head for the closest computer I activate the console “Computer release lock cargo hold level 8 authorization Alpha ,Gama, Omega 1011, Green”Computer responds “lock released” I head back to the cargo hold and as I approach the door opens and I enter.Celer says “Whats going on why have we landed?”I reply “So that I could make some engine modifications, if they work we will get to Vivus a lot faster. I have the intelligence that I had ask Valesz to get for me so just as soon as the new engine modifications prove themselves I will be back so that we can start formulating this plan. But for now I need to get back to the engine room. I just wanted to come here and let you know what was going on.”Celer says “Thank you for that.”I say Sigrun do you know the sequence for this door ?”He responds “Yes I do, but if you don't how did you get in?”I respond “I will explain later but for now I need to get back and I still need to learn the sequence to lock and unlock this door. Would you please show me?”He goes out the door with me and presses in the sequence and locks the door, I press the sequence again and the door unlocks.I say “Thank you Sigrun, but I must hurry we are about to lift off. ” Sigrun enters the cargo hold and I lock the door behind him and head for the the engine room.Just as I enter the engine room I hear the engines begin to start back up. The engines sound different than they did just before they shutdown. The hum is not as noticeable. I say “Is it just me or do the engines sound different?”Squeaky responds “You're right they sound smoother and quieter.” I say “Computer what is the engine status?”The computer responds “The engines are running at 100% efficiency.”I say “ YES HE SHOOTS HE SCORES” Everyone looks at me, I say “Sorry, I just got a bit excited that's all.”Valesz says “It's okay you have reason to be excited. None of these ships have ever ran at 100%”I say “Captain when I was writing the subroutine for the new modifications I put in a couple of safety catches if the engines get to hot they will cut back by 20% or slow to 4.5xl and alert the bridge.Valesz responds “I would rather have the engines cut back some than to keep running hot and breach.”I say “Captain we are ready down here.”Valesz says “Snowy take us up and lay in a course for Vivus 5.0xl”I say “Snowy if you look there should be new icon on your control panel after the plasma reaches 10000 C + you can activate the constrictors with the new icon.”Snowy responds “Very good … 2.7xl 4.2xl..5.0xl”I say “Computer what is the full engine status including plasma temperature?”The computer responds “Engine running at 100% ,core temperature 500 C , plasma temperature 18000 C”I say “ok Snowy are you ready to engage the constrictors? Just as soon as Valesz gives the order to engage the constrictors stay ready to shut them down.”Snowy responds “Ready.”Valesz says “Engage constrictors.”Snowy presses the button. All of the constrictors make a brief buzzing sound then go almost dead silent. Even the engine is quiet, if it weren't for the controls telling me it was running I wouldn't even know it.I say “We are still here.” and a sigh of relief from everyone on the ship.I say “Computer what is the full engine status including plasma temperature?”The computer responds “Engines running 172% efficiency core temperature 695 Celsius, plasma temperature 32000 Celsius”I say “Okay, lets increase speed slowly to 6.5xl and see what she does. Snowy please stay ready with the constrictor icon.”Valesz says you heard him slowly to 6.5xl” Snowy “ 5.2xl .. 5.4 ..5.6..5.8..6.0..6.2...6.4..6.5xl”I say “Computer engine status”The computer responds “Engine running at 172% efficiency core temperature 718 Celsius” I say “I have done the calculations and at 6.5xl we will reach Vivus in about 2.5 days.”Valesz responds “Paul you have done it again, you just never cease to amaze me.”I respond “As far as getting this ship to go any faster I don't think that I can do any more for her. Although since we will be arriving 5.5 days sooner we might want to let Vivus know that we will be early.”Valesz says “Let's surprise them”I respond “Aye captain”Valesz says “It's almost time for shift change if you would like …”Drake says “Captain there is a Mantis ship on an intercept course at at our current speed they will reach us in 3 minutes.Valesz says “Prepare for battle”I ask “What is their ship's max speed?”Valesz responds “About 4xl-4.5xl”I say “If we can avoid a battle right now we should; computer “Display Mantis vessel”The computer displays the vessel is on a tangent course”I say “If we increase speed to 6.7xl we will fly by them and they won't be able to catch us”Valesz says “Do it”Stormy responds “Aye captain, 6.6xl 6.7xl”I say “computer engine status”“Engines running at 172% efficiency core temperature 724 Celsius”Drake says “It's going to work. They are not going to catch us.”I say “Hold speed for 15 minutes then cut the engines back to 6.5, I don't like running them this hot”Drake says “They are firing a torpedo.”Valesz responds “Lakia shoot that torpedo down”Lakia responds “Firing lasers… torpedo destroyed”Drake “We are now out of weapons range.”I say “This goes against what I just said but do we have the ability to destroy that Mantis ship ?”Valesz responds “Yes, we do.”I say “As much as I hate to say it we need to destroy that ship , if they get word back that any ship can move as fast as we currently are then we will have a big problem.”Valesz “I agree, Snowy take us about. Lakia stand ready Snowy be prepared for evasive maneuvers. ” Drake responds weapons range in 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3..2..1...Valesz “FIRE.” Lakia fires weapons.Drake responds “They have taken on heavy damage, their communications array has been destroyed and their engines disabled looks like there weapons are down too captain”Valesz snowy take us around their ship. Lakia ready torpedoes target there engines …. FIRE” Lakia “Torpedoes away .”Drake informs the Captain “The ship has been destroyed.”Valesz ask “Katherine did they get any messages out?” Katherine responds “No messages were sent”Valesz “Resume course 6.5xl” Valesz continues“As I was saying if you would like we can meet you in the cargo hold after shift change.”I say “Sounds good I will have dinner ready for all of us. Valesz says “I was hoping you were going to say that.”I say “Computer end communication.”The computer responds “Communication terminated.”I turn and say “Job well done I could not have done it with out you.”They respond “ Thank you”I say “I have work to do, if you will excuse me...”Talzon responds “Go on your a mated male now.” .. and the three of them laugh.I respond “I guess I am.” I smile and exit the engine room.I start thinking about the unicorns and how they must feel after having to hide in cargo holds and things like that.. instead of going to the galley I head for the bridge. When I get there the door opens and I enter.Valesz says “I thought that you were going to be making dinner.”I respond “ I will, can I see you in the briefing room for a moment?”Valesz responds “Yes , Lakia you have the bridge.” and we enter the briefing room.I say “Computer seal door level 7” Valesz “What is this about?”I respond “The unicorns , since we are going to expose them in a few days anyway why not let them have run of the ship. Most of us know that they are here already.”Valesz responds “You have a good point. I don't see any harm in that happening. You have my permission.”I reply “In that case lets make tonight a special occasion. Have everyone except those that know and you need, on the bridge. After we have introduced them we can return the shift back to normal.”Valesz responds “Sounds like a good plan, but I have to ask what you mean by we are going to expose the unicorns in a few days ”I respond “It is part of my plan but I still have a lot of details to work out.”Valesz responds “I trust you. I know that you would not do any thing to cause harm to any of your friends.”I reply “I know it sounds crazy but until we have a full plan I wouldn't want to go into any details that may or may not happen.”Valesz replies “I understand. Shift is over in about 20 minutes are you going to have my dinner ready?”I respond “Yes my love I will have your dinner ready for you in the galley. Computer release door”Valesz wraps her arms around me and we embrace each other in a deep passionate kiss. We break the kiss.I say “I need to go or I won't have dinner ready.” I turn and exit the briefing room I look at Lakia then Katherine and give each a quick wink then exit the bridge.I quickly head for the cargo hold when I get there I unlock the door and enter I say “ I only have a minute, but I have a surprise for all of you, not as nice as more unicorns but tonight you will dine with the entire crew. I am going to start dinner now I will call for you in about 20-30 minutes.”Sigrun says “Do you think that is wise?”I respond “It will be fine I promise. I must go now I have a lot of work to do in a very short time.”Celer responds “We will come when called.”I reply “Thank you”I exit the cargo hold. I run to the galley when I get there I fire up the grill. I start looking for cooking oil to oil the grill with but the only thing that I can find is a bottle of vinaigrette I think to myself it will have to do. I sprinkle the vinaigrette onto the grill and the aroma immediately begins to fill the room, while I'm waiting for the grill to heat up I start grabbing steaks. I grab three small steaks and nine large steaks Mikko walks into the galley,I ask her “Can you help me prepare the galley for a full dinner I don't have enough time to do it myself.”She responds “Yes I will help what do you need me to do, I need enough settings for everyone on the ship plus four more vegetarians.”Mikko ask “how much time do we have to get this done in ?”I reply “About 15 minutes. If you can manage it I would like the tables moved so there is a path to a table set for eight seven vegetarians and 1 dragon, that dragon will be Valesz”Tiamat walks in and Mikko ask her to help as well. While they are working on moving and setting the tables I go back to making dinner. There is a very large salad bowl with a basic salad in it I grab a few other vegetables and chop them up and toss them into the bowl I grab the bottle of vinaigrette and start pouring it into the salad I mix it lightly just enough to get the vinaigrette all over the salad.I set the bowl down and ask “Can one of you start dishing up the salad for the vegetarians while I begin cooking the steaks.” I grab a stack of plates and set them next to the grill then I start tossing the steaks onto the grill, as soon as I have nine on I quickly season them then immediately begin flipping the steaks and then season the opposite side. I start putting the steaks onto the plates and Mikko and Tiamat begin to place them where they need to go. I take the small steaks and do the same with them except I leave mine on just a little bit longer , I like my steak bloody but not quite raw either. As I pull the last steak off of the grill.Valesz walks in and is seeing that the room has been set for the entire crew she says to me “How long have you been working on this dinner? There is no way that you have done all this in the last 20 minutes.”Mikko says “ Tiamat and I have been helping and he was just starting when I walked in about 15 minutes ago.”I say “Dinner is served my love.”She responds “I guess you can have dinner ready in 20 minutes can't you. Very well then I guess it is time that I call everyone here.”Valesz walks to a computer console and says “Computer open ship wide com.”The computer responds “Com open.”Valesz says “I request Everyone's presence in the galley immediately, with one exception I would like one volunteer to remain on the bridge. Valesz out. Computer end communication.”The crew starts pouring into the galley.I say “Everyone please take a seat at the side tables the center table is for our special guest.”I can hear a few of them saying “Special guest, who can it be?”The bridge crew is the last to enter I say Katherine and Lakia please sit here and here and I show them to the table to the left and right most seats.I say “Quiet please.” and the room goes silent Valesz looks at me almost amazed that they got quiet so quickly for me.I say “I will leave in just a second when I return I would like for everyone to show the utmost respect for our special guest. When I walk back through that door I would like for Everyone to kneel down while our guest make their way to the center table.” Everyone looks at me with a puzzled look. I say “Our guest is of nobility and deserves the treatment that I am asking of you. Each and everyone of you know that I wouldn't ask it other wise. Now if you will excuse me for just a couple of minutes, I will escort our guest here.”I turn and exit the galley and go to the cargo hold when I get there the door opens.I say “It is time.”The unicorns eagerly follow me. On the way there I explain that I will enter first and they will enter with Celer and Dinos, then Sigrun and Alkippe. We quickly arrive at the galley.I ask “Are you ready?”Celer responds “Yes, we are ready”I say “Very well then let's enter”I walk into the Galley and the sound of everyone dropping to their knee echoes through the halls. Then as Celer and Dinos enter the galley I hear Squeaky in the back say “Uni....squeak Uni... squeak .. Unicorn” then a thud.I turn and look and say “He just isn't one for any excitement.”Then Sigrun and Alkippe enter. I escort the four of them to the table sitting Celer and Dinos in the center facing the room and then Sigrun and Alkippe to the outsides opposite Lakia and Katherine.I turn and say “You may rise everyone. Now that everyone is here except for Talzon he volunteered to remain on the bridge. It is my pleasure to introduce these four unicorn but more than that, the lord of the unicorn Celer and his mate Dinos and whom a few of you know Sigrun and Alkippe.”Every one takes a quick bow. Now that is done everyone enjoy your dinner.”We hear a few voices in the background say “Who cooked my steak?”Valesz responds quickly “You will eat that steak and enjoy it that's an order.”Then in the background I hear “This steak is delicious, who cooked it ?”We all continue eating our meal.Celer says “Who made this salad I haven't tasted salad this good in a very very long time.”I respond “Oh say about 2000 years ago?”He replies “Yes that's about right. I remember now she was very good at preparing meals, as I recall Astarot enjoyed his steak as much as I am enjoying my dinner now.”I say “How about after dinner we go to the pool and just relax on the deck maybe a quick dip.”Sigrun responds “That sounds nice we haven't been able to enjoy something like that in a very long time.”Celer says “ I agree, it feels so good not to be hiding in some dark corner.”I say “If what I am planing works you won't have to hide from anyone any longer. But we can discuss that tomorrow morning.”Celer “Agreed, let's just enjoy what we have tonight.”I say “So Celer what can you tell me about my 400th generation grandmother?”He responds “Well she was very kind and strong willed much as you are. Now that I really look at you, you have her eyes. They were the same blue green tint that you have. She was very energetic and willing to please. Although she had a bit of a temper at times. I remember one time we forgot to put out the cook fire, and she had such a fit about it. Her face turned a deep red and one blood vessel would stand out right here on her throat. I actually thought it was kind of cute, there were a couple of times I would do something just to make her mad so I could see it again. But in general she had a very good disposition about her.”Just then Celer bumps his glass and the water quickly runs across the table and pours onto my lap. I say “YOU did that on purpose”Celer says “Yes that's it, exactly as I remembered , even the blood vessel. I'm sorry I just had to do it I had to see that just one more time.” everyone laughs“Damn you, that's not fair you already know how to affect me.”Valesz responds “Finally I get to see someone affect you the way that you do me. I might be able to learn a few tricks from you Celer”Celer responds “ I will show you where he is ticklish later.” then the bridge crew stands and approaches the table.Drake steps forward and says “It has been our pleasure to dine with you, but we must return to our duties.”Celer responds “Thank you for joining us in this occasion, and thank you Valesz for letting them have time from their duties to join us.”Valesz replies “You are very welcome.”they turn and head towards the bridge.Valesz says to Katherine “Will you go to the bridge and lock out the communications array until we reach Vivus we are on communications black out. We will be going to the pool soon you can meet us there.”Katherine responds “Aye Captain” and exits the galley. Just a few moments later Talzon walks in.I say “Talzon come sit with us visit for a minute, while I prepare your steak. The one that I had made for you has gotten cold.” I stand and walk over grab a steak the grill is still warm so it won't take long to get cooking again. I sprinkle a little vinaigrette onto the grill I season the steak while I'm waiting for the grill to get hot again. I toss the steak on the grill wait just a few seconds then flip it wait a few seconds again and pull it off the grill and onto a plate. I turn off the grill take Talzon his steak and walk back to the grill and pour some cold water on the hot grill and quickly scrub the grill clean. Then I walk back over to the table and sit down.Talzon says “I never thought that I would like a cooked steak but it is so flavorful I want you to teach me how to make it like this.”Valesz says to Talzon “I know that you just got here. But I think that we are ready to go to the pool for a little while.”Talzon replies “Don't let me stop you. I am enjoying this meal , I will return to my duties just as soon as I have finished eating.”Valesz replies “That will be fine” and the eight of us exit the galley and we head for the Pool with Lakia and Katherine leading the way.As we all enter the pool area , Lakia and Katherine waste no time and dive right into the pool everyone else sees this as an invitation and dive in behind them everyone except me , I wait for a minute just enough time for everyone to surface then I jump in folding my legs tight to my chest and hit the water with a big splash. When I surface Valesz, Lakia, and Katherine are waiting for me, I catch a single breath and they all push me back down. (you would think that I would learn that lesson) I quickly swim between Lakia and Katherine under water they are no match for me however, I am no match for Valesz I barely get past Lakia and Katherine, and Valesz has me by the waist I roll over in the water and pull her to me she wraps her arms around me and I give her a short kiss, but by this time I can't stay under any longer and must surface I am forced to push away from her and return to the surface. As I break the top of the water I gasp for air breathing deeply.Valesz comes up right in front of me and again wraps her arms around me and says “Have I told you just how much I love you?”I respond “Yes you have the night that you ask me to be your mate.” we embrace in a deep passionate kiss , she wraps her legs around me and then her tail, even if I wanted to move I couldn't. I gently break the kiss and ask Valesz “Do Lakia and Katherine know about the DNA testing that is being done on Vivus?”She responds “I think that they are aware of it.”I respond “Good enough let's go over by them I want to talk to them a minute about it.”She replies “Okay.” Valesz releases me and starts swimming towards Lakia and Katherine I follow.When we get to them I say “ I have an important question to ask you it is not something that I need an answer to right away, but I would like for you to think about it.” Katherine ask “What is it Paul?”I respond “ I was informed about some DNA testing that the dragons are doing on Vivus to extend life spans. I would like to know if you would be willing to participate. You see my species don't live near as long as dragons. And from what I understand neither do yours. Well I have an option to take this DNA thing and possibly live as long as Valesz , but then if I do that by my self I will out live the two of you. Or not take it and then Valesz will be alone with out the three of us around, I have been thinking if we all do it well our little family will be happier for a much longer time.”Lakia replies “That is defiantly something that we will have to think about.”Katherine says “ I agree, it is something that needs to be though through.”I reply “I don't expect an answer tonight. All I can ask of you is to think about it.”Valesz says “Why don't the two of you go over by the unicorns and get to know them a little better.”I realize what she was talking about the two couples are starting to have a good time, the unicorns have climbed up onto the deck and Sigrun is already fully erect with Alkippe stroking his huge member while Dinos is quickly working Celer to erection.As Lakia and Katherine approach them they ask “ May we join?” Alkippe says “Yes come on in”Dinos says “There's plenty to share.”Lakia and Katherine both climb up out of the pool and sit next to the stallions I watch as Lakia takes hold of Celer's cock her hand doesn't quite reach half way around it she begins stroking that massive cock she leans over and starts licking on it like it was a lollipop. I look over at Katherine and she is sliding herself up and down the full length riding it like it was a fire pole now that I think about it he isn't that much smaller she is teasing him just letting her pussy barely touch one side of his cock while the other side is against his own belly then the mares simultaneously straddle their mates faces.I hear Dinos say “Eat that pussy you big stud.” he waste no time and begins lapping eagerly at her wet pussy. Sigrun is seeing whats happening next to him and he reaches up and grabs Alkippe's butt and pulls her closer to his face and begins licking her probing his tongue in and out every now and then.Seeing all of this is making me quite horny and Valesz takes notice and reaches down into the water and begins massaging my cock and says “Oh look what we have here … looks good enough to eat.” she submerges and quickly engulfs my cock into her mouth. I can feel her wrapping her tongue around my cock. It feels so good my knees collapse out from under me.As I regain my stance I say “Maybe we should get out of the water”She responds “That might be a good idea.” while I am climbing out of the pool I see that both Lakia and Katherine are riding their stallions taking more than I thought that they could they both are taking them to the hilt. Riding them like the stallions that they are. Lakia has leaned forward and reaching around Dinos squeezing her perky breast making her moan in pleasure or it could be that Celer has his face buried deep into Dinos's pussy Valesz comments “ I have never seen Katherine take so much cock before she must really be enjoying that.I respond “It looks like they all are enjoying themselves.” then I say “Oh look Lakia is trying to … oh her tail found its mark.” She is now buried deep in Celer's ass.I say “I need to thank you for helping to prepare me for my first male encounter”She responds “Your welcome, but I think I enjoyed it as much as you did. Feeling your ass clench tightly around my tail just does something for me, it really turns me on.”I reply “ I really didn't think that I would enjoy it that much but now that I have had the experience. I really enjoy it, feeling your tail flick around inside of me .. I don't have a word to describe it.” she rolls over and pulls her knees under her holding her ass up in the air.She says “Fuck Me!” I position myself behind her and slide my cock into her she wraps her tail around me pulling me deeper into her and says “I said FUCK ME!” I reach up and take hold of her hips and begin driving myself into her hard pushing in as deep as I can go. She moans in pleasure I pick up the pace fucking her even harder and I feel her pussy clench my cock hard, she throws her head up in the air and lets out a scream (its not quite a scream but more of a combination scream / howl) as her orgasm subsides she says “Now that your good and wet I want you to show me how it feels” and she raises her tail.I pull out and gently guide my cock to her tight ass. I push but she is so tight I end up pushing her forward. She says “Try again.” so I lean back and she comes back to me and I push again but this time she thrust back shoving the head of my cock into her tight ass. She pushes back again taking about half of my cock in a single push. She curls her tail around me and quickly finds her mark and she thrust her tail into me.She thrust her tail again and pushes back at the same time she takes me all the way in I can feel my balls slap up against her wet pussy and her tight ass clenching my cock. I slide back a little knowing that if I try to come to far out we will have to start over. Then I push back in. It is a little easier this time. I pull about half way out and back in again. Feeling her tight ass is making me want to cum so bad but I want this to last a while so I relax and take it slow I pull back leaving just the head of my cock in her then I push back in. Her ass is becoming use to my intrusion it is much easier to thrust into her now, so I begin pumping in and out of her thrusting my cock deep into her tight ass. While she is doing the same to me with her tail as I begin to follow the rhythm and pick up speed pounding her ass harder and harder she throws her head up again and lets out another scream I bury my cock deep into her I push as hard as I can. I feel her pussy trying frantically to clench down on a cock that isn't there and then I can feel her cum squirting my balls as her orgasm subsides again.She says “Now its your turn and she leans back pushing me back and she says “fuck me , I want to feel you cum in my ass.” and she thrust her tail deep into my ass that almost sends me over the edge but I again relax just enough to hold back my own orgasm. I begin thrusting into her again faster and faster, I am now pounding her ass with my hard cock I can feel her beginning to orgasm again and she thrust her tail into me again but this time I can't stop it I push my cock as deep as I can go into her tight ass and then she thrust her tail into me again raising my orgasm beyond the limits. I begin filling her ass with my seed my cock pulsing and throbbing as I shoot my cum into her load after load. I feel as if I'm never going to stop cumming. But finally my own orgasm begins to subside and I collapse onto her back.She says “Fuck that was wonderful I don't know why I never tried that before.”I say “Perhaps you were just waiting for some one like me to come along.”She replies “There is no one like you my love.”I finally regain enough strength to lift myself off of her and I lay down next to her on the deck and I say “And there is no one like you either my love.”Valesz says “Okay everyone we need to get up. We can all sleep in my quarters tonight.”I say “I think I want to get a shower before I go to bed.”Everyone agrees. We all get up and head for the shower. On the way out I stop at one of the fruit trees and pick one of the fruits that Katherine selected. I take a bite and say “ Delicious”Katherine says “I thought that you would like it.” I finish it before we start the showers . Celer says “ I told you that I would show you something.” and he reaches out and grabs my hip and squeezes slightly. It tickles and I jump back towards Valesz thenShe says “Right here!” and squeezes my hip too I jump again and say “Okay okay that's not fair you know more about me than I do.”Everyone laughs. Then we all start our showers. I step into the shower with Valesz and start scrubbing her back.She says “Be careful you might get something started again.”I reply “I'm to tired to even think of trying to start something.”We quickly finish our showers and I am the first to step out. I grab a towel and toss it around my shoulders and begin handing towels out to everyone as they turn their shower off. Everyone gets dried off and we head for Valesz's quarters. When we get to the bedroom I say “Would you mind turning on the holographic emitters? I do enjoy going to sleep with it on”She responds “Not a problem love.”I crawl in the center of the bed. Valesz turns on the holographic emitters to the storm setting and crawls in next to me. Lakia gets in on the other side of me and Katherine on the opposite side of Valesz then Sigrun and Alkippe next to Katherine and Celer and Dinos on the opposite side of the bed. I look into Valesz's golden eyes and say good night my loves while caressing Valesz's face with my hand.She puts her arm across me and says “Good night my love” and we all drift of into a blissful slumber.
End chapter 12Editted by Admin Unic0rn69 | ||
Homes10049 Member Post ID: 3337 Posted: 05-04-2024 18:19 PM |
do we have another update?