
Post ID: 387
Posted: 08-10-2015 22:30 PM |
Posted: 08-10-2015 22:30 PM |
So I'm looking to either get or build my first gaming pc and I was hoping my fellow furs could lend a helping paw in determining what would be good...I'm looking to run elder scrolls oblivion and Skyrim, with dlc and mods...along with fallout 3&nv&4 and such, and a few other games
óÓÒò |

Post ID: 388
Posted: 08-10-2015 22:48 PM |
Posted: 08-10-2015 22:48 PM |
I use a toshiba and it runs pretty smooth with the games i play but i have a basic entertainment one you would need a more advanced one. Toshiba has different types of entertainment laptops. One is for movies and videos one is for gaming and the the last one is for all around. Mine is a all arounder. You would want a toshiba or acer gaming laptop. No other brand is worth the trouble
Owner of FurrTrax

Post ID: 391
Posted: 08-11-2015 04:38 AM |
Posted: 08-11-2015 04:38 AM » Editted: 08-11-2015 04:40 AM |
Actually MSI has a series of gaming laptops that are built far superior to anything toshiba makes, and the dont overheat like some of those do either. Im on an MSI Gaming laptop right now. Depending on model, some are even built to military component specs so they last a long time without dying out or having some hardware issues. And they have real discrete Video Cards that are swappable to upgrade as well.
These things are built to last, mine is coming up on 4 years old without a single issue and i have even dropped it once but it just bounced and still works great. They also have really really nice HD screens that are super vivid and crystal clear. They are better quality then alienware, and in some cases even cheaper that them. The CPU, RAM, HDD, Video Card, and Battery are replacable/upgradable so you can customize it as well. Mine has an I7 with a Radeon HD 5700 Graphics Card and i have yet to max out its performance.
Hint, the FurrTrax Servers are also MSI Servers.
Editted by Admin DarkXander

Post ID: 395
Posted: 08-11-2015 06:53 AM |
Posted: 08-11-2015 06:53 AM |
Well i must have been lucky then lol my laptop is 6 years no issues plus i never heard of msi honestly ill have to look that up for my dad he needs a new one his gave out on him

Post ID: 420
Posted: 08-15-2015 12:52 PM |
Posted: 08-15-2015 12:52 PM |
Well I'm on a budget of under $700 x.x so yeah Idk if I could get one like that
óÓÒò |

Post ID: 421
Posted: 08-15-2015 17:23 PM |
Posted: 08-15-2015 17:23 PM |
Well for that budget the one i got is good it cost me only $649.99 with tax came to about $684.

Post ID: 423
Posted: 08-16-2015 11:50 AM |
Posted: 08-16-2015 11:50 AM |
I saw one on newegg for $519 and sent the specs for it to a friend, he said it'd be good enough for what I need
óÓÒò |

Post ID: 424
Posted: 08-16-2015 11:50 AM |
Posted: 08-16-2015 11:50 AM |
I'm looking for a desktop btw
óÓÒò |
Dr Furry

Post ID: 433
Posted: 08-18-2015 19:16 PM |
Posted: 08-18-2015 19:16 PM |
If you're getting a desktop then just build it.

Post ID: 1600
Posted: 02-20-2017 00:10 AM |
Posted: 02-20-2017 00:10 AM |
There are tons of great things on ebay I built my box off there for under 400. And it's an Asus 64x 20gigs ram radion HDgfx running at 4ghz with an eight core am fx processor. It retails fairly high I guess I forgot to mention it's luquid cooled.