
Post ID: 1776
Posted: 01-12-2018 18:20 PM |
Posted: 01-12-2018 18:20 PM |
I've been within a small circle of maybe 4 or 5 people I talk to (only 2 of which reply roughly daily) and I really need to break this and start reaching out to others so I can expand my circle of furs I talk to. This has been a long time coming, I've just been far too stubborn and lazy to admit I need to break out of this hole I'm in and start meeting new people. I don't get notifications by email too well, so you can find me on Kik or telegram under the same name, Ishbacko. The majority reason why I'm making a forum thread instead of contacting people is because of anxiety and shyness. I'm willing to try group chats, but don't expect the miracle of me staying for too long, I get nervous/anxious in groups of people talking, but I try. Make sure to say that you're replying to my forum, I get a bunch of those "sex site" bots on Kik, and delete most new messages from people I don't know because of them.
óÓÒò |

Post ID: 1777
Posted: 01-13-2018 21:34 PM |
Posted: 01-13-2018 21:34 PM |
sup, dude

Post ID: 1778
Posted: 01-28-2018 23:51 PM |
Posted: 01-28-2018 23:51 PM |
noth'n much

Post ID: 1783
Posted: 02-22-2018 17:10 PM |
Posted: 02-22-2018 17:10 PM |
Gooooooday friend, hope the boredom is at bay